Kim Namjoon(BTS) X Nymph!Reader

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1. A mythological spirit of nature imagined as a beautiful maiden inhabiting rivers, woods, or other locations.


Namjoon's P.O.V

"Finally we made it to land, I was getting a little sea sick on that boat." I said as I got out of the boat and walked onto land. "Yeah but I mean, you have to admit it thought, it was worth it, look at this place." Jin said as he put his hand on my shoulder. I looked in front of me, to look at the landscape. There was short lush green grass, with all sorts of wild flowers, and behind it was tall trees, with beautiful green leafs, some tinged with yellow. I stared in awe at what I saw, I do have to admit it was very beautiful to look at. "Yeah your right, but anyways let's get back to the mission that the King sent us here for." I said as I looked at the other's.

"Yeah I guess your right, I'm thinking we should go through the woods, to find this mystery the king told us about, he said that according to the legend it's located in the middle of this forest." Jimin said as he pulled out a map that had a aerial view of the island. "We should take the route that is mapped, but we should be cautious because we don't know what's here." Suga stated as he glanced over the map. "I agree, let's head out." I said as I grabbed my bag, and started walking with the rest of the group. "I think this would be a great place to live, I mean if it's safe." I heard Hoseok say, as the rest of us hummed in agreement, while looking around.

~Time Skip~

"Come on just admit it we're lost!" V said as he looked at our surroundings. "And how would you know that?" Jungkook asked. "I know because of two things, the first one being that we took a right after Jin shot that rabbit so we could have it for lunch, and the second reason being the confused look Jin, and Jimin has had on their faces for the past 10 minutes." V explained. I looked over at Jin, and Jimin only to see them looking at the map with confused faces. "Ok I will admit it, we are lost, and it may be my fault." Jin said as he walked back over to the group with Jimin. "Ok, let's just settle here for a while then we can pick back up when we have eaten." I said as I set my bag down on the ground, and sat down on a nearby log.

"Ok then. Jimin you and Hoseok with go get some fire wood. Junkook, you will stay with me to help cook. Suga will keep watch, and Namjoon with get some berries because I forgot to pack some." Jin said as he took out the rabbit that he shot earlier. We all nodded and started to do our jobs. "Namjoon remember that this place is unknown, so be careful with what you pick, it might be poisonous." I heard Jin call out as I walked in a random direction. I didn't get far before I found a bush of berries, I checked them and saw that they were black berries.I started to pick them and put them in my bag, I was almost done when I saw a tree filled with vibrant apples.

They were red, I walked over to one of the low branches, I grabbed and apple as my stomach growled. I didn't think anything of it when I bit into the apple, until my stomach started to churn. I looked at the apple to see that the inside had purple veins. I started to feel very hot, and I started to get a headache.I quickly turned around and started to run as fast as I could towards our little camp. "Oh my god Namjoon what happened!" I faintly heard Jin's voice as I made it to the camp. I fell to my knees as I heard multiple footsteps head my way. "I bit into an apple, I thought nothing of it until I looked inside it, i'm guessing it was poisonous." I was able to slur out before I fainted.

~Time Skip~

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

It was nightfall and I was about to go on my nightly stroll, when I heard a knock at my door. "Princess (Y/N) are you ready for me to lead you to the gates?" I heard my head maid, Lunar ask me. "Yes just a moment." I called out before I opened the door. "Ok now we can go." I said as I started walking with Lunar to the front gates. "Are you sure you don't want me to go with you my lady?" I heard Lunar ask. "Yes, I'm sure, I will be back in a while, if not then I will be back by morning." I said as I finally walked out of the front gates, and into the forest that I love so much.

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