Name: Eric Age:37 Gen:M Ap: strait dirty blond hair, brown eyes,and muscular but not a lot, jeans and a blue long sleeve button up. Name:Jane Age:35 Gen:F Ap:long curled brownish red hair, blue eyes,and slim but curvy, black dress Name:Holly Age:13 Gen:F Ap:long reddish-brown hair, hazel eyes, and very fit, geans and a grey shirt with red long sleeves shirt.
"Holly's birthday is in seven months, remember to get her something good this year"my wife said.
"...It's only January, her birthday isn't until July 2nd" I replied.
"Yeah but last year you got her a knife" She replied with a glare.
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(3.5" blade)
"Mom, Dad?! You better come see this!!" Holly called.
Jane and I exchanged a worried glance before darting into the living room, the TV was blaring.
"What on earth is going on here!?" The camera man shouted, as he held his own camera down to the scene.
There was a guy with barely visible black hair wearing a brown coat and jeans just bent over this blond haired woman in a white blood stained dress just out in the middle of the city street. Then it hit me, he was eating her.
"You ate my assistant!" the recorder yelled to the guy"hey you!"
I watched as the cannibal stood up and slowly turned to the guy, his eyes burning with hunger and his mouth covered in blood.
"You freaking killed her!" He yelled as he walked closer."what is wro-"
The cannibal lunged at the camera man and bit into his neck. I listened to his helpless screams as he dropped the camera , I watched the spinning film until it hit the ground coming to a halt on its side. I stared at the empty street, hearing the poor guys throat being ripped out. Then the guy came crashing to the ground with the cannibal on top of him. I jumped up and shut off the TV.
"There's never been a cannibal in the city" I stated.
"What was all that?" Jane asked.
"Apparently it's been happening all day"Holly said, a hint of worry in her voice.
"Are they sick or attacking outside the city?" I asked.
"No one knows, all we know is that they try to eat you alive" she replied.
"Hun board up the doors, Holly shut all the blinds and turn out the lights" I ordered.
"Come on we live in a city small town eight miles from the city, were fine" Jane said gently
"Hm, I sure hope you're right" I reply
"I'm scared" Holly mumbled from on the couch.
Two days passes since we left the house, there's no more news from within the city, and our neighbors went to the city and haven't returned since, by this point we have a backpack full of food and water just laying out on the coffee table for our needs.