#4 Suga - BTS

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I was in plane getting back from my work/holiday. I was in the UK to help a company made a contract with an English one.
Earlier I messaged my cousin, Jimin, that I was coming back and I had brought him something and I had something also for his teammates.

Texting him I didn't think he would actually come to the airport to get me. I got off the plane and as I was walking to catch the taxi I heard someone calling my name so I turn back to see Jimin running to me in some kind of disguise but I recognized his voice.
I smile as he was coming closer and he gave me fast hug before grabbing my bag and going to the car in which Jin waited for us.
I greeted him and he said he would take me home. All the way we were talking about their band and my trip. I said that I'll come to see them in studio tomorrow.

When I got back to my small but comfy apartment I unpacked my stuff and prepared all the things I bought for BTS.

Next day I woke up later than the previous days, something about 11:00ish and ate my breakfast. Then I dressed up and got my bag with the so called 'presents' and left.
I went by bus to their company and got inside. I walked straight to the practice room, BTS was training mostly in, and knocked on the door.

From the hall I could hear boys talking and arguing about the choreography. I got in and said 'Hi' loudly enough to attract their attention.
The first one to react was V who screamed my name, since I told him not to call me 'noona', and jumped at me giving a big hug.
Then others come to greet me as well. When they let go off me I showed them the bag with their presents and they cheered, firstly I gave them the sweets I bought in England and then I gave each of them a small box, of course Jimin got the biggest one.
We also talked about their next come back and I asked them to show me their new choreo, they agreed and stopped eating.
Then they show me the dance steps for chorus. Their song 'Dope' was really amazing and I knew that it took so much time and effort to learn the steps and the rhythm to correctly dance all the parts.
I watched them in awe and swang to the music. When they stopped dancing the music was still playing and it was Yoongi's part.
I sat there mesmerized by his rap when somebody got behind me and scared me to death.
I jumped and yelped and the boys start laughing at me. I join them shortly after thinking how I couldn't notice one of them creeping behind me just to frightened me.

We were talking for some hours and we thought about going to boy's dorm so we could eat some dinner. All the boys got ready except one.
It was Suga who felt asleep on the ground. Xd
Boys start to argue about who's going to wake him up and all of them pointed at me. They said that if I wake him up he won't be that angry as if one of them would. So I had no other choice but to wake him up.

I come closer and squatted near him. Then I shook him lightly and called "Yoongi! Wake up". He groaned but didn't wake up so I grab bed both of his shoulders and shook him more.

The next moment he grabbed my hand and made me fall next to him so he could hug me and sleep more.
I blushed and the boys start laughing saying that we look really cute. I put my hands on his chest and push as hard as I could.
He groaned and woke up and when he saw me a smile appeared on his face. And I could heard the sound of making photo, so I got up as quickly as I could and with red cheeks walked to my bag and together with still laughing BTS we went to their dorms.

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