#26 Shinwon - PENTAGON

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How is when you are good friends like really good with 9 guys?
If you want to know just ask my brother Hyojung or how his friends call him E' Dawn. And now he invited them for a night to our house because our parents go away for a while.

Being in my room I turn the music on and trained dance to 'I'm freak' Enrique because my friends, with whom I choreographed the dance, wanted us to perform it on some kind of event. I was into making right moves I didn't see Shinwon passing my door and a minute after backing off to look at me dancing. It was going so well till the one move that I had problems with since beginning. So I just couldn't get it right, I tripped and fell down.
Immediately I heard someone gasp and run up to me. I turn around to see Shinwon with carrying look on his face. I laid on the floor and started laughing at his face and he just looked at me surprised ''Hey don't laugh I was deadly scared that something happend to you'' he commented crossing arms on his chest and standing up.
''I'm fine don't worry'' I assured him and extended my hand ''Can you help me?'' I asked and he smiled ''You said you're okay by yourself just now''.

I send him a look and he laughed ''Here'' he pull me up.
''Thanks'' I answered still holding his hand when suddenly my brother came in ''Shinwon we were looking... Oh Am I disturbing you? '' he questioned and I instantly took my hand away blushing.

''No he was just helping me''. ''Yeah she was 'dancing' and she tripped falling down'' Shinwon added emphasizing the word 'dance' and I hit him in the arm for that ''Ow. That hurt'' he pouted.

''Okay so... are you coming with us or you want to stay here but if so... you are dead'' while he was talking I pushed Shin out and Hyojung laughed at this.
''No, he won't. So you can take him'' I stated and was about to close my door when Shinwon sent me a wide grin ''Good luck with the dance''.

After half an hour I just go tired and went to the kitchen to grab something to eat and drink. As I was preparing fruits for a fruit salad behind me magically appeared three guys and I turn to look at them.

''What do you want?'' I asked Kino, Yanan and Yuto and they looked at something behind me and they acted strangely.

''Umm you see.. '' Yanan started ''We just wanted to say hi'' Kino greeted awkwardly and then Yuto elbowed them looking on the right side.
That's when I turn to look in that direction and saw Shin holding a bowl with the fruit salad I was making. He stopped for a moment and looked at me grinning then I heard 'Takoyaki Prince' yell ''Run'' and all of them run away.
I walk quickly to my room the door was closed ''Hey! Open that!'' I yelled at Shinwon banging on the door.
''No because you're angry'' he stated, ''I'm not angry'' I said calmly but shortly after I rose my voice ''I'm mad or even pissed off''.

''See that's why I'm not going to open the door. You'll kill me for sure'' he replied and I calmed down ''I won't if you give my food back'' I told him and he took some time to think about it and then opened the door slowly. And I went in the room coming closer to lecture him ''You know you could just ask for this and I'd give it to you but no. You had to make up some stupid plan which didn't even work out and you just thought that I'd believe it. I'm not as stupid as you think I am. You need to...' I was stopped by him kissing me. Yeah, Shinwon kissed me and pull away with a wide smile on his face. In contrast, my face was growing redder every second.

''Why did you do that? '' I asked touching my lips ''You were too loud and actually that was the only way I thought about shouting you up'' he responded and took my hand away from my face.
''You could just tell me'', ''You wouldn't listen'' he replied instantly. Then the next thing we heard was some voices and running. Then all the boys stopped in front of my room looking at me with red cheeks and Jun holding my hand. He smiled at them ''Hey guys, she agreed to make us some food'' all of them cheered ''But what about the salad that we..." Kino started but Jinho placed a hand over his mouth to shush him.

I just looked strangely at Shin but he smiled ''I'll help her bring it to the room so you can go'' he added and they went back to E' Dawn's room.

''I didn't agree for anything'' I said ''Didn't you say that if I ask you, you'll make something? So could you please help me with food?'' he asked with puppy eyes and I followed him quietly thinking about what happened.

I was so into my thoughts I hit something or I should say somebody and guess who it was, yes Shin. I stopped to see that we are now in kitchen ''So what are we going to make? Or just get them some snacks?'' he asked turning to face me and I quickly responded ''Not sure, you know them better so you should know what they want to eat''. He laughed and leaned on the cupboard ''I think the snacks will be alright'', ''Okay'' I nodded and reached for the bowls that were in cupboard next to him. All the time I could feel his gaze following my every move. I laid the bowls on the table and he moved away so I opened the cupboard and reached for the chips and cookies but I am too short to get them. I even tiptoed but still it was too high for me. I heard him chuckling behind me and was about to told him to help me but when I turn around I saw his chest really close to me and he reached behind me to grab the snacks.
I blushed hardly trying not to stare at him but I just couldn't and I admired his pretty and kinda cute face. And when he looked at me I dropped my head down and his smile grew wider.
He laid snacks on the cupboard behind me and rest his hands still looking at me ''Why you're staring at me like at an angel?'' he joked.

''Firstly I wasn't staring and secondly you're more like a devil than an angel'' I sassed looking in his eyes.
''Oh so you think I'm a devil right?'' he said in a low voice approaching me closer so our eyes were on the same level.

I gulped and nodded slowly then he leaned even closer and kissed me. My cheeks went the deepest shade of red and when he pulled away I instantly turn around with hands on my face.
He laughed at this and hugged me his head resting on my shoulder and his breath tickling my neck.

''Hey don't be shy, I did it for a reason you see. I like you and I heard that you like me too'' he whispered and I turn around quickly so he almost fell ''Wait! Who told you this? '' I asked and he scratched the back of his head. ''Umm... it was... Hyojung Hyung''. '
''This little brat'' I said and he laughed ''Well thanks to hyung we can finally be together'' he stated and shortly after added in a singy voice ''So would you like to be my girl?''.
I was still shocked but answered ''S-sure, I'd like to'' he hugged and picked me up in the air. ''Hey guys, so what's going on with the food?'' Hongseok asked.
''Sorry there was something important to do'' Shinwon laughed.
''What could be more important than food? '' Hongseok questioned and I chuckled while Shin stood by his side and elbowed him ''Getting myself girl''.

Hongseok gazed at him in shock and then a big smile appeared on his face ''So you're together now?''. I nodded shyly and unpacked the snacks for them. ''Yes, we are'' Shin replied confidently and his hyung stated ''You know E' Dawn is going to kill you, right?''.

''I know that's why it'll be a secret and you need to keep it''.

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