#7 Chunji ft. Ricky - Teen Top

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The movie ended and you together with your friend, Ricky, get out from the cinema. You got to know each other in Jr High School, you were in the same class and when you found out that you live quite close you met each other to talk or so you could help Ricky with lessons.
Later you ended in different schools, he went to a music one and you to (the-class-you-want-to-be-in).
After movie you went to your house to play some games and chat about what happened lately.
"I heard that you will have comeback in some month" you said and he start talking about Teen Top while you listen carefully.
"Maybe I'll take you to our dorm someday so you can meet the others" he proposed and you looked at him with wide eyes "I don't know if they'll like me" you replied and he chuckled "I'm sure they will".
You talked for about an hour more till he checked the time "I should get going" he said and you nodded. He grabbed his things and left.

The next morning you got your things and got ready to university. When you was about to leave you heard ringing.
You checked your phone but it wasn't it so you looked for the ringing one and found Ricky's phone. You looked at the ID and it was someone called 'Niel Hyung'.
You pick it up "Hi (y/n). I left my phone in your house" you recognized Ricky's voice.
"I know it already, so when will you come to get it?" you asked and he thought for a moment "Umm... I can't come so could you bring it to my training, pleaseee?" you heard his begging tone and you said something stupid because you were in rush "Sure give me the address and I'll come after school", "Thanks you're the best" he cheered and hung up.

So like you promised after school you went straight to give Ricky his phone back.
You realized in school that you were actually going to meet his friends. You got really stressed and when you stood in front of their training room you thought about leaving the phone here and going back to your home.
You was about to knock when the door opened and Andy from Shinwa, yes this Shinwa, went out smiling to you "Oh, you must be Ricky's friend" he said holding the door open and the music of Teen Top's newest song started playing.
"He told me that you'd be coming. Feel free and be careful there" he added and you nodded gulping. He laughed and tapped your head lightly before going away.

You went in to see all the members dancing and when you closed the door Ricky look at your direction.
That was huge mistake. He automatically got kicked by Changjo and the other members joined.
You were shocked of what was happening but still you run up to Ricky "Hey you alright?" you asked and he nodded "Yeah it's always like that" you helped him got up and all the members look at you strangely.
"Who are you?" CAP, the leader, asked and Ricky answered "She's my friend that I told you would be coming today".
The others gasped 'aah'ing and you greeted with them "Annyeong (y/n) imnida" and bowed.
They got in line and greeted with their chant then everyone individually.
You got Ricky's phone out and handed it to him "Here you go, please don't forget it the next time", "Thanks again" he smiled.
"So, are you together?" L.Joe asked and you blushed furiously with Ricky "No, we're not" you said in sync and the others laughed.
Then you started talking and one of the boys caught your attention, it was Chunji.


Since that day you have visited Teen Top frequently. And now after about 4 months you got to know all of them better.
The other day you were having movie night at boys' dorm. You brought some snacks and got to their dorm "Hi (y/n) ready for movie night?" L.Joe asked opening the door for you.
You got in and Chunji together with Ricky run up to you "Ooo you brought snacks" Chunji said enthusiastically and you handed him the snacks "We need to gather everyone" Ricky stated and you went to get CAP from his room.
"What movie we are going to watch?" you asked and Niel smirked "Horror" you looked at him surprised.
"But I said that you can't choose horror" you argued and some of them laugh.
"Don't worry, it's not that scary" Changjo said and you weren't persuaded at all.
Even though you all sat to start watching the movie. L.Joe, you and Chunji on sofa, CAP on the armchair and Ricky, Niel and Changjo on the ground. You got snacks and blankets and started the movie.

In the beginning it wasn't as scary as you thought it would be but then there was a jumpscare and you hide behind the blanket.
Chunji look at you with smile "It's okay, everything'll be okay" he said and grabbed your hand lowering the blanket that you hold.
You went back to watching but again after some minutes there was a terrible scene and you hugged Chunji's arm. He looked at you flushed and seeing your eyes glued with terrified look to TV he let you hold his arm.

Before the movie finished, you had fallen asleep still hugging Chunji's arm. The moment boys saw this they all laughed at you.
They teased that you look cute together which made Chunji blush and he started arguing about it.
After teasing him for some time you woke up thanks to the boys yelling.
"What happened?" you asked and then realized that you're holding onto Chunji's arm.
You let go of his arm and blushed madly.
"You fall asleep during the horror movie" Niel said surprised "How is it even possible?" CAP asked.
"I don't know I just felt...." you started without noticing what you were going to say and stooped in mid-sentence "Comfortable" Changjo added and you throw pillow at him.
"Just say it already that you like each other" L.Joe commented and both you and Chunji stared at each other blushing more and more with every second. You looked away instantly and Ricky together with Niel started pushing Chunji in your direction.

When he gave up he stood up and grabbed your hand dragging you to his room.
You sat on his bed still shocked by what happened and he took a place next to you.
"Umm (y/n), I actually.. You see..." he stopped for a moment to gather all his confidence "I like you" he finally confessed looking in your eyes.
You felt your face turning red and immediately looked down to hide it.
Chunji then grabbed your chin and turn your head up "I-I like y-you too" you mumbled shyly and he smiled widely hearing it.
He felt really happy that you finally confessed to each other. He leaned in closer and kissed your cheek.
In the same moment the room was filled with cheering of the Teen Top and Chunji look at them "You're really annoying" he told them.

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