#11 Woozi - SVNT

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Walking through empty halls you were happy that the teacher asked you to bring some documents from the other teacher and you didn't have to watch this totally boring video of some monsoons and the other winds.
As you were coming back with the papers you heard some boys arguing next to the restroom so you went there and saw 3 boys fighting with Vernon who was your neighbor.
So there wasn't any other option than helping him, you got to the boys from back and dragged one of the boys for hood and he felt on his butt.
The other one saw it and sent his fist in your direction, you caught it in time and twisted it so it was on his back and he started shouting to let him go.
At that time Vernon took the last boy on him and kicked him strongly in his belly sending him back. Then he froze like a statue and when you looked at him he pointed behind you. You turned around to see one of the teachers going there quickly almost running.

You let go off the boy's hand instantly and backed off a little, "What happened here!?" she yelled at all of you and before you could answer one of the boys said "It's their fault" and pointed at you and Vernon.
"Right we were just walking and then Vernon attacked us and this girl joined him later" the other one added, "Are you kidding me? You were the first ones to attack Vernon and I just helped him defense himself"  you commented and sent him a glare.
"That's right Mrs, please don't listen to them they are lying and they want blame us for starting the fight" Vernon added and the teacher looked at you all for a moment.
"I think you all should be punished" she stated and you sighed. "So each of you will clean part of the school after classes. And now all of you should got back to classes" she added and you went to your class collecting the papers in way and Vernon smiled at you with sympathy.

And that's how you ended up mopping the floor in the, so called, 'artistic part of school'. The name's like that because of all the classes that are situated in this hall, all of them are art classrooms or music rooms.
You had been cleaning it for almost one 'n a half hour and you were so tired, because it seemed to you like the work that cant be done. You hadn't expected this hall to be so long and the classrooms to be this big. But finally you could see the end of the hall and there were like 3 more rooms so you thought that small break would be okay after all this mopping.

You sat down on the floor and rest your head on the wall. The music you could hear was so beautiful... but wait where does the music come from.
You stood up slowly and got to one of the doors and opened it lightly to see a boy with light pink hair playing piano.
You had met him before but when? He was very similar to someone but you couldn't remember to whom. You closed the door and sat next to it listening to the boy's music that was so breathtaking and awing, also very sensible and you couldn't help but fell asleep. While sleeping you had remembered the boy it was Woozi, one of Vernon's friends that visit him frequently.

The thing that got you awake was Vernon poking your face and calling your name. You firstly shook your head and when he pushed you making you fall, you opened your eyes and looked at him.
"What was that?" you asked and he laughed at you, "The teacher said that we can go home now but I see that you prefer to sleep here rather than going home so..." you got up but saw that there was a jacket which covered you.
You took it and handed it to Vernon "Here and thanks" you said but he looked at you strangely and shook his head "It's not mine, see?" he pointed at his that he had been wearing.
"But I think I know whose it is" he said his grin growing wider with every second, "As I was going here, I saw Woozi hyung without jacket and I know he likes to spent his afternoons playing piano and composing. So it may be his" he stated and you looked at the jacket.

It was Woozi's jacket, that means he saw you sleeping in the hall and he would for sure think that you're strange.
You were wondering so much what he could actually think about you that you held his jacket close next to your chest and Vernon laughed at you.
He then put his arm at your shoulder and you turned to him "Hey, if you want you can give it back to him today, my friends are coming at 7 to my house and you are also welcome" he proposed and you thought for a moment about it then rapidly shook your head "No, thank you. But you can give it to him" you said and handed him the jacket again.
He laughed taking it and nodded "Okay", "And say 'thank you' from me" you said and a little tint of red could be seen on your cheeks.

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