#20 UNIQ - .gif reactions

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Well, I thought that maybe I can try to do some gif reactions and so here is the first one of UNIQ

Also sorry for break, I had some important stuff to do (school :/)
I'll try to do updates weekly again :)


UNIQ - When you failed an exam


When he found out that you failed Chinese exam he'd automatically try to make you feel better by cuddling with you and say that you'll do better next time because he is going to help you

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When he found out that you failed Chinese exam he'd automatically try to make you feel better by cuddling with you and say that you'll do better next time because he is going to help you. And so he'll go to your house more frequently to help you study, well mostly you'll end up watching some movies or playing games but when you retake the exam you pass it with no problem. In reward he'd do some aegyo to you saying "See, I knew you can do it. You're the best Jagiya"


    He'd come to your house with a bag full of snacks and when he see you lying on the couch with your head under the pillow he would sit on the armchair next to you and start telling you some jokes to make you feel better but when you look at him...

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He'd come to your house with a bag full of snacks and when he see you lying on the couch with your head under the pillow he would sit on the armchair next to you and start telling you some jokes to make you feel better but when you look at him and rise your eyebrow he stop and sit next to you to cuddle with you. Then he'd turn the TV and together you start watching your favourite TV show eating snacks he brought. "Don't worry Jagi, Math is the worst and stupidest subject. Trust me" he'd tell you which make you chuckle.


Even though he can't meet you personally because he's busy when you tell him about failing an exam he'd talk with you through Skype and send you lots of kisses

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Even though he can't meet you personally because he's busy when you tell him about failing an exam he'd talk with you through Skype and send you lots of kisses. And when manager finally let him go (after him bugging manager too much), he'd come to your house to comfort you. Then it's most likely that he'd play you your favourite song on piano to make you feel better, "I'll do anything to make you feel better Jagi".


When he come to get you from school, he'd see you walking to his car with cramped paper in hand

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When he come to get you from school, he'd see you walking to his car with cramped paper in hand. He'd ask you what it is and when you show it to him he'd sent you sympathetic smile because it's not common for you to have 12 points especially at English. While going home, he'd park his car next to the park and when you ask him why you're here he'd reply "Come on, I'll buy you some milkshake to cheer you up. Like the first time we met". You smile at him remembering the time when you met and gladly take his  hand going straight to the milkshake shop/booth.


When the teacher handed you the exam saying that both of you failed you decided to meet the same day and learn for retake exam

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When the teacher handed you the exam saying that both of you failed you decided to meet the same day and learn for retake exam. You sit together at his dorm and when he saw that you got only 5 points he start laughing and rolling on the floor "Hahahaha How could you make only 5 points?" he asked sarcastically and you replied angrily "Ya! You're no better! You also failed!". He'd then stand up and got closer to you leaning over andkissing the tip of your nose "Yes we failed together. We're always together".

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