#22 Jaebum & Jinyoung- GOT7

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"Hey (y/n)! School president wants to talk to you" Youngjae called passing by your classroom. You sighed knowing what he want and so you grabbed some documents from your bag. Being class president was kinda tiring, collecting all those papers from your classmates, staying after school for some meetings. But good thing was that you got to know many new people and you liked it being the sociable and energetic type of person you are.

You knocked on the door and hear Jaebum calling from the inside to come in. You got in and greeted "Annyeong Jaebum. Annyeong Jinyoung" JB smiled at you "Annyeong (y/n)" and then there was the vice president who walk closer to you and hit your head with a book. "Ouch" you reacted and touch the place where he hit you, "It's 'AnnyeonghaseYO Jinyoung'" he emphased and you frowned. "But even Jaebum doesn't mind it" you argued and he sighed "But I do mind", you wanted to say something but school president cut in "(y/n) please, I don't need a fight here". "Fine" you hissed and turned to the over-polite guy "AnnyeonghaseYO", he sent you a grin and replied "Annyeonghaseyo (y/n)ssi".
Annoyed you then once again turn to Jaebum "So here are these papers you asked for earlier" you placed them on his desk, he went through them checking each of them and when he finished he thanked you and stand up coming closer to one of his locker.
"So is there something else you wanted?" he found a piece of paper and show it to you "Here, you see there's this Math contest and I thought that maaaybe...", "No way, I'm not taking part in it" you cut him off. "But please?" he asked trying to do aegyo and convict you but you shook your head, "But you're one of the best people in Math in your year" he continued to convict you but you still disagree for that. He sighed loudly "Uhh... okay, if you agree I'll buy you dinner" this brought your attention to him and he sent you a smile knowing that you won't decline his offer now.
"Okay but there's one more condition" you replied and smile widely "If I'm not mistaken that's a contest in pairs, right?" he nodded guessing what you have in mind and sending his friend a weak smile. "So I want Jinyoung to participate with me" you finished and he looked at you shocked "Whaat?! No way!" he argued but Jaebum said "Just do it, you're also good at Math so I don't see a problem". "How can you not see the problem? She'll be my partner. That's the problem! You do know that we are always arguing about everything and I don't think we can cooperate even for 10 minutes, not saying about a hole hour" Jinyoung tried to convict the president but you cut in "Oh please stop. It doesn't mean that we can't try, I'm sure we can also divide the exercise if you want. But if you won't come then I'm not coming as well".
"Jinyoung just agree it's one contest and you're free" JB said and Jinyoung sighed loudly "Okay I can sacrifice myself but this is the first and last time", "Woah I thought you won't agree but 'kay. It's great to know that mighty prince Jinyoung can submit about something" you replied and he instantly smack you in the arm making Jaebum laugh.

 It's great to know that mighty prince Jinyoung can submit about something" you replied and he instantly smack you in the arm making Jaebum laugh

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They are so cute 'JJ Project forever' 💛💛💛 xd

They are so cute 'JJ Project forever' 💛💛💛 xd

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