Chapter 6.

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I am now alone once again after waving goodbye to Diana and Beth, I turn around and headed inside, just after turning the knob I heard my name.

I turned around and there was Suzy running towards me, I opened my hands to hug her too, but...

Instead I received a slap in the face which sent me off the feet and I fell on my butts.

I looked up at my very stupid and nutty cousin with a bewildered look on my face.

And instead of helping off the ground or telling why she slapped me with her over weighted bag, she was cracking her ribs, laughing her heart out.

" that look was priceless " She blurted jumped over me and went inside leaving on the floor with her bag.

Can you imagine that ???????
And that's meant to be my so called beloved cousin.

I hurriedly got up and dusted off the dirt on my body and followed her inside.

And believe it or not she was already eating the remaining cookies I wanted to take the next day.

"Does it belong to you ?" I asked taking it away from her and keeping it in the fridge.

"Whatever, no one cares" she blurted.

"Well I do" I shouted from the kitchen where I was.

",sorry for your ass cos I don't" she said.

"Besides what are you doing ?" She blurted.

"Washing dishes " I replied.

"Did you put on the TV ?" I asked when I heard some noise .

"Yeah, why ask ?" She shouted I knew if mom was around she would have scolded us for shouting but hello she is not here.

"Cos you are yet to tell me what you are doing here ?" I blurted.

"That true, but where's my bag ?" She asked as she walked into the kitchen

"Where did you leave it ?" I questioned.

"With you " she replied.

",sorry but it's not with me," I told her.

"You kidding right ?" She said.

"Nope, I am seriously not with it" I replied.

"Then where is it ?'' She asked panicked.

" I think you left it outside " I whispered to add more drama to the scene.

"You did what ? That bag costs .... ....... ...... ...." I didn't hear the remaining of her sentence other than jumbles of colourful words as she ran out.

"I didn't, you did " I retorted.

I heard the door open and after sometime it was slam shut. Suzy pounding feet was heard coming nearer and she stormed into the kitchen.

I rounded up my washing, dried the plates and turned around to face a foaming Suzy.

Suzy is a drama queen so I'm not bothering you question her.

"Are you hungry ?"I asked.

"Sure, what do you have ?" She replied.

I opened the fridge and tossed the remaining bread at her which she caught with ease.

"That what I have ?" I said as I threw it at her.

"Really ?" She asked.

"Yeah, whatever.....grab the Nutella and let's go up" I blurted.

"Ok, here I come " Suzy blurted coming up.

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