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Sitting together in the kitchen both are full after enjoying a plate each filled with chocolate chip pancakes, chocolate syrup and whipped cream. Lyras wish.  

"I suppose I owe you an explanation now." Jaze said facing her.

"Only of you want to." 

"No, we have a deal." he stated firmly. "The obvious question would be why I had a big rat in my mouth, right? Well...I had it in my mouth cause I was taking its blood. I'm a vampire."

Contemplating this she sits in silence for a short moment before ending up with the conclusion that she has no idea what it means. Being forced to voice her lack of, what seems to be, common knowledge she sighs heavily. 

"Excuse me if I sound dumb now but what is a vampire?"

Seeing Jaze go from calm and collected to shocked and bewildered in mere seconds she starts to fidget. Normally it would have made her laugh but now, thoughts of being retarded invades her mind. Years of insecurity washes over like a bucket filled with ice water. 

"I apologize for my lack of knowledge and education..."

"What? "scratching the back of his head Jaze seems to regain some composure again." I was just taken by surprise for a moment. No need to apologize."

Nodding she remains silent not wanting to humiliate herself any further.

"Before I explain in detail can I ask my first question now?" Jaze asked tentatively.

Looking at him she nodded again.

"How did you live?"

Breathing in slowly she holds it before exhaling slowly. She never thought actually talking about it would feel like a burden. Shameful above all. Will he be disgusted by her afterwards? She made a deal so there's no going back now.

"Lived in a big mansion like house in the middle of nowhere. I know there was a town somewhere nearby but not where. Tried to find it the day you found me. My only entertainment where books chosen by others and on good days painting. I was never allowed to walk freely whether it was inside or outside. The only movies I could watch were in educational purposes."

Shivering she's closing her eyes wanting to get rid of all the bad memories that floods her mind as she talks.

"Who gave you all those scars and markings?"

"First it was my family and later in life a man called Elmir. He is also known as my husband but only because he bought me at the age of ten from my parents. Collected me at the age of fifteen, got wedded by his friend and lived there until the stormy day we met. Majority of the scars are from him."

Gazing at Jaze she could see lots of emotions in them, understanding and sorrow, the more prominent ones. Lyra feels dirty and shameful. 

Without saying anything he pics her up and tucks her away in his lap, arms held tightly around her trembling body.

"My turn now but promise not to be afraid or walk away?"

"Promise." comes a muffled answer.

"My name is Jaze Lué Rondué and I'm 26 years hold, have been for the last 500 years. Born in Dountémons, France, with a silver spoon far up my ass. Parents high nobility with titles I could use when ever I needed. Comte Thomás et Comtesse Auroria Lué Rondué."

They sit in silence enjoying each others company for a while before he resumes.

"One day I flaunted the family name and titles in the wrong place to the wrong people. I was so drunk it was a miracle I could still walk and talk. My house got plundered and parents ended up killed because of it. Afterwards the titles they held passed on to me and order was restored. There was never any lack of money. I was only seventeen when they passed away."

Lyra could see talking about this was hard on Jaze. Gently she took his hand wishing to give comfort or strength.

"Being a title holder also meant responsibilities towards others and marriage was one of those. After refusing to take a wife for years people started to get agitated with me so at the age of 23 I accepted my faith. Forced to choose among the daughters of my parents friends I picked the one who would be the best doll. The looks but no brain or will of her own. When I was 25 and she 18 our first children were born. Twins. We were not a happy or loving couple but played the part on social events. I often left her alone in our home while I enjoyed myself on the town. One night, again out drinking, one or more dragged me into an alleyway. Struggling I ended up not only robbed but stabbed several times too. My maker found me lying in my own blood nearly choking on it."

"What happened after he found you?" 

"He asked if I wanted to live. If I wished to avenge what was done to me."

She had tears in her eyes after hearing about his life. 

"I'm happy you chose to live." 

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