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Jaze looks down on the sleeping girl in his arms wondering where she came from and what made her into this broken soul that she is. Gently he strokes her red hair, enjoying how soft it feels between his fingers. The unusual deep color fascinates him. It took some time to both wash it and get all the tangles out but he was right when thinking she's a beauty underneath all the dirt.

His dark eyes wanders over her sleeping form slowly feeling awestruck at the sight before him. Fair, light, skin and waist long red hair that makes those amazing blue-greyish eyes stand out. Petite body and not very tall, seems to be malnourished, but strong at the same time. Only sad part was when he saw all those scars littering her small frame. It was as if someone had gone all out in full rage and caused havoc without mercy. New scars made upon old ones and making them worse. He saw recent marks around her wrists and ankles, indicating she's been tied up. Fresh bruises around the ribs, stomach and thighs. Marks around her throat as well as on the legs which shows partial hand prints.

Momentarily closing his eyes he takes a few calming breaths while wondering how someone can be so cruel.

"Where did you come from, little mousy..."mumbles to no one in particular and slowly opens his eyes only to be met with a pair of blue greyish ones.

Total silence settles in the dimly lit bedroom. Both are looking into the others eyes and Jaze can see all the emotions, such as fear, uncertainty and confusion swirl around in her big eyes. He also feels how tensed up her entire body is and after seeing all those scars and bruises its not hard to understand why.

In a attempt to not appear intimidating, he slowly loosens up on his hold as sign he won't do anything if she wishes to shift, sit up or even move away. The moment his arms are removed she quickly moves out of his hold but remains on the bed, just more towards the end.

"Who are you?" she whispers after a while of silence.

"Tell me yours and I'll tell you mine." he answers calmly.

Jaze can see hesitation and the very prominent fear in those doe like eyes but something similar to curiosity also flashed by, although very briefly.

"Lyra. My name is Lyra."

"Nice to meet you Lyra. I'm Jaze and you are currently in my home as I hope you haven't forgotten."

"I remember that and I also also remember what happened in the bathroom." whispers weakly while slowly inspecting herself. "You dressed me?" 

Feeling slightly embarrassed about the whole incident he looks away at the same time he gestures with the hand towards her new clothes. " I didn't look while putting those on. Promise."


He observed as she looked at the clothes with confusion written allover, as if something was missing or downright wrong. Her reaction towards him clothing her seemed off in some way. She confused and intrigued him at the same time.

"Is something wrong?" he asked after a moment of silence.

"Did I not appeal to your liking?" she asked timidly.

The question took him by surprise. Puzzled he looked into her eyes and held her gaze steadily. 

"What made you ask that?

"You didn't look." 

He watched as she turned her eyes elsewhere as if in shame and that confirmed that something was really wrong. A sudden urge to make everything right, to keep her safe and far away from whatever damaged her so much rooted itself in him. 

"Did you want me to look?"

He watched her almost freeze up.

"It's okay, you can be honest with me. I won't get mad or hurt you." he reassured softly, glancing at all the marks and scars not hidden under the clothes

Slowly she shook her head no.

"Thought so."

"You didn't see anything?" 

"I did see your scars, marks and bruises but I kept it professional."

She only nodded her head in confirmation letting him know he answered right even though it wasn't worded in the open.

"Are you hungry mousy?" he asked wanting to change the subject.

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