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A/N Hello readers. Just wanted to let you know that the second language spoken in this chapter is created by me and taken completely from my own mind. Total nonsense and none excising.  Thanks for reading my story and this a/n. Over and out.

"There you are." Jaze greets them as soon as they enter the kitchen. "Did everything go well?" the question is directed more towards Lydoran than her.

"It went much better than I hoped for. Shes taking everything surprisingly well for a newly changed." smiles and places a soft kiss to her temple. 

Jaze raises an eyebrow and the open display of affection, obviously surprised shows nothing but curiosity. There is a silent question dancing in his eyes about what has happened but refrains from asking.

"Consort bond." Lydoran fills in bluntly.

Stunned, Jaze blinks in disbelief. "How the hell did that happen?" 

"Wondering the same thing, but not complaining. Thought I would make a call to Malarath later and see if he can shed some light."

"But congratulations, though. Having a consort is a powerful thing and true eternal love is special among our kind." Jaze smiles brightly and hands out glasses filled with blood. 

The clank of glasses rings out in the kitchen as they make a toast to happiness and welcoming Lyra into the world of shadows. Taking a zip of blood resulted in a one shot and instead of feeling embarrassed she holds out her glass and asks for more. It's not as sweet, smooth or have same richness as what Lydoran offered earlier but it's still good and sates the thirst. 

"I forgot how thirsty a newly turned can be and still you show more control than most. You keep on surprising."

"Another thing I need to ask Malarath about. Lyra doesn't act like the typical child, too controlled, civil and have manners. In short, the appearance has been altered but personality wise, pretty much the same." 

"You two make it sound like that would be something awful." Lyra chimes in, downing the content in two big gulps then gets herself a third serving which she sips instead of devouring.

"Except for displaying a nice set of backbone and confidence." Jaze teases affectionately.

"Before I forget, again."mumbling the last part to himself. "Thought we could all go hunting after sun down. Lots of darkness and little to no moonlight, which makes it a perfect night to turn vampire for the first time. Are you up for it, love?" 

"Hell yeah! I wonder what I'll look like." Lyra shouts out all excited.

Lydoran let out a chuckle before giving her a tender kiss. "You will look stunning like no one else, shkoi amsolon." (my eternity)

Lyra had no idea what he said but her entire body responded with a shiver and she imagined him saying it with fully elongated fangs.

"Someone is swooning and you, dear father, is lying it on thick by speaking shadow language"

"You have your own language?"

"We do but not many speak it. Lydoran here tried to teach me but I gave up. I can understand some things but no way near all. But I do know he just called you his eternity."

Lydoran didn't bother scolding Jaze for being the one translating. Secretly he wanted to be the one to tell her but instead he takes the time to make that call so they can prepare for their hunting. Picking up the phone he dials the number and waits. Two sets of eyes are on him but doesn't care.

"Speaking." a deep voice says in the other end.

"Rmeoj flijeron nomnde daf aljhmarth." (greetings to you too father)

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