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Lydoran is the first to regain some form of composure after her unexpected request. Eyeing her closely he hopes to find some answers to the reason behind her wish.

"Do you really know what you are asking for here?" Jaze speaks up first.


"Why?"Jaze continues.

"Why, what?" Lyra asks.

"Why do you want to be like us?" 

Lydoran remains silent but his silver orbs never leaving Lyra. He observes every move, twitch and expression carefully. 

"I'm tired of being afraid all the time. Tired of being weak, waiting for him to finally find me and drag me away. Back to that empty house."

"If we train you properly you won't remain weak or defenseless. We can make you stronger but stay human." Jaze argued.

Hearing that Lyra went quiet. Not knowing how to counter that argument, she diverted her eyes down towards the floor. Tears burning in her eyes but refused letting them fall. Refused to show any more weakness or how desperate she really is.

"What are you truly afraid of, love?" Lydoran finally asked.

Not daring to meet those piercing silver eyes that seems to see everything she keeps looking at her feet like a stubborn child.

"What is it you really wish for?" he pressed on.

Giving up she slowly raises her head. "I don't wanna  loose you."

Feeling a tug in his old heart, Lydoran walks up to Lyra and gently wraps her up in his arms. Embracing her in protective hug. "Nothing will take you away from us." murmurs softly.

Not able to keep the tears at bay any longer she lets them fall as they wish. Ignoring the feeling of weakness and hides deeper inside of the embrace and warmth. Closing her eyes she relishes in the comfort he provides. 

"Do you remember what Jaze told you about vampires?"


"Even the part about having a true vampire side?"


Gently turning her around so she has her back against his front, Lydoran looks at Jaze. "Will you please do the honors."

Sensing Lydorans command rather than question, he willingly stands up and makes sure there are enough space around him before focusing on transforming into his true self.

Look closely, love. This is what you are asking of us."

The first noticeable thing was the change of the eyes. It was as if the dark part spread out, overtaking the white and leaving everything pitch black. Next, the teeth. They got a lot sharper and his fangs got not only longer but thicker as well then claws instead of nails. Long and deadly. 

Lyra couldn't take her eyes off of him even if she wanted to. The sight before her should be frightening but it was far from it. 

Jaze suddenly seemed to grow some inches taller, broader and more muscular while his hair got longer and got a bluish within the black. Next tearing of skin could be heard loudly and it didn't take long before feathers the same color as his hair started to grow out from his back and into massive wings. Horns that reminds of that Kudu antelope has, sprouted out and grew into medium sized, sharp, weapons. If he didn't give out predator vibes before he sure screams it out now.

"This is my so called demonic from, my true vampire." Jaze spoke with slightly deeper, raspier voice but not very far off from his usual one.

"In this form Jaze is stronger, faster, deadlier but also more vulnerable in a way. Shoot, stab or kick him and he will heal from it. Tear his wings away or damage them badly and they will forever be broken. Same goes with the horns. But fortunately great amount of force is needed before that happens so no worries there."

"Can I touch?" she whispers softly, mesmerized.

"Guiding her behind Jaze and towards his wings Lydoran remains behind her. "Gently now, love."

Hesitantly Lyra lifts her hand and reaches out, letting it hover in the air only inches from the large wings. Raw power seems to seep out from every pore, nearly knocking her over. 

"It's okay..."Lydoran encourages.

Listening to the encouragements she softly let the tip of her fingers lightly stroke against the feathers. Surprised to find them warm to the touch she gets a bit bolder and flatten her palm out and carefully let the fingers comb trough the feathers. So soft. 

"Amazing." breathes out astonished.

Going from the wings into his hair she plays with some silky strands, loving how smoothly it falls between her fingers. Tickling the skin. Common sense says something like this should be feared not admired but yet here she stands, admiring Jaze to her hearts content. 

Following the movements of her exploring hands she soon ends up in front of Jaze, gently stroking his horns. Even they are warm to the touche like the wings.  Taking a few steps back she let her eyes take in Jaze as a whole.

"So beautiful..."

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