Evening tango

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The day of the ball has arrived and everyone is getting ready. Lyra didn't want to come along once their clothes where done so she stayed at home with Jaze. Malarath agreed it would be best so. He didn't think Lárdomon would be any problems but his interest in her proved otherwise so best not to tempt fate.

His creepiness aside, Lyra can't help but admire his work. The dress is exquisite and hugs her body perfectly. Black corset dress that goes mid thigh in the front and floor length in the back. The corset is made out of leather and lace with several buckles in the front with intricate swirls carved out in the back. The dress has many different layers of lace and satin mixed together elegantly, making it flow down nicely. Since the front is shorter, it gives a teasing hint at the garter underneath, but clearly showing off the garter-band in leather and lace, adorned with crosses and silver chains, on her right thigh. Black high heels and plain stocking. Hair in a simple yet beautiful side braid. Smokey eyes with bright red lipstick. Choker that matches the garter band and a bracelet, looking like a snake in silver and black, going from her wrist and ending just below her elbow. She tops it all of with a mask covering half her face. Satisfied she sprays some perfume and leaves the room.

The room goes silent the moment she walks in. Three sets of eyes are on her. "It's not polite to stare." she teases. A chorus of mumbled 'sorry' can be heard. 

Taking this moment to study the guys she notice all of them somehow matches her. Lydoran the most of course, but all of them have a goth, victorian, look that is amazing on them. They have the whole get up with the tie, the vest, gloves and hat. Both Jaze and Malarath has masks that covers their entire face while Lydoran's is like hers and black. 

" You look mouthwatering, my love." he compliments huskily. Love, awe and lust clear in his silvery grey eyes. "I love you." murmurs lowly for her ears only while lightly caressing her face. "Ready to go?" Checking the content of the purse she nods and takes his offered arm.

"Are you ready leave?" Lydoran asks the rest.

"Have you fed Lyra properly? Wouldn't want a massacre, even though it would be entertaining to watch." Malarath snicker gleefully.

"I have but she is welcome to drink from me, should she need more."wiggling his eyebrow suggestively. 

"Oh god."Jaze grunts tiredly. "You fuck more often than bunnies and still never gets enough. Being around you is damn near live porn." with that he is the first to leave. Malarath laughs. He takes joy in seeing Jaze all flustered. They all follow Jaze out.  Getting to Gregs overly lavish and vulgar home takes them nearly five hours. Upon their arrival the moon shines brightly in the night sky and they are fashionably late. Perfect.

"Ready?" Jaze asks concerned. 

"Ready as I'll ever be..."she breathes out slowly. Looking at Lydoran she straightens her back and assumes the role of being his jewel to flaunt this evening. Taking his offered arm they walk inside casually. She checks so that the awful, red, collar is in place around her neck when stepping forward to announce their arrival. It was Jazes idea to when sitting in the car. The thin looking man with eyes too big for his head, takes the invitation and allows them to pass.

"Looking beautiful as always. I see the little vacation has done you well, but it was a wise choice to return, wife." The mere sound of his voice makes her skin crawl. It's like nails on a chalkboard. Turning around she faces her demon for the first time in nearly six months. The first thing she notices is how pathetic he looks with those watery eyes that lacks any real color, mediocre build and height, dry skin with surprisingly few wrinkles for his age, and lack of presence. She can see traces of the man who used to torment her every minute of her life. Awake or asleep. But he doesn't scare her any more. 

" I see you have brought company with you." Elmir says displeased but keeps up appearance. Normally she would coward under that particular gaze, not this time. "How observant of you." she replays arrogantly. Immediately his eyes begins to twitch.

"I believe this is yours." Lydroan says taking off the awful collar and throwing it at him. In its place he attaches a black one with beautiful stones and an engraving in shadow language. Not the same she had when they left. "She belongs with me now." Leaning against him she can't help but smile at the fact he said 'with' and not 'to'. 

Elmir looks flat out mad and is about to lose his composure. "You little back stabbing whore!" he spits out. "You come here now, or reap the consequences." he demands threateningly. Eyes narrowed and hollow.

"Follow me, husband." Lyra spits out 'husband' in distaste. Turns and walks towards the stairs. She has been here several times before and knows her way around. Currently she is walking towards a specific room and stops right outside breifly to make sure everyone is following. With a gesture she ushers the others inside before her.

"That eager, huh?" Elmir says with his usual calmness.

"Oh, you have no idea..." Lyra shoots back with a crocked smile which causes some coughs or clearing of a throat. "I want you to sign these divorce papers." holding out the papers for him to take. 

"You know how to speak when those three are backing you up, but alone you will always be the frightened little girl you've always been. The little girl seeking to be loved and seen by her parents. The broken one who nobody wants."

"You want us to leave, my lady?" Jaze asks with an exaggerated bow .

"We'll be in the hallway just outside." Lydoran whispered giving her toe curling kiss then walked out followed by The other two. Lyra saw Jaze tuck some papers inside his suit jacket on the way out.

"So, they didn't really care." Elmir said and let out a booming laugh. "Now, let me refresh your memory. Living like a spoiled whore must have made you forget all my lessons.

"I didn't forget them. But why not let you be on the receiving end for once?" Swiftly Lyra moved from the door and up to the desk where she slammed down a chocked Elmir against the smooth surface. Straightening him up again she backhanded him before kneeing him in the stomach, allowing his body to hit the floor were she continued to kick just as he did to her. Gripping a fistful of his hair she lifts his head and looks into those dull, color less, eyes. "Useless filth like you should die screaming." 

"You will regret this Lyra." He said venomously while spitting blood on the floor.

"There are a lot of things I regret when it comes to you, but this is not one of them. Are you going to sign those papers now?"

"I'll sign them but don't think you will get rid if me. This is after all only papers and we all know who you belong to."

With a smile Lyra handed Elmir the papers and pen once more and this time he took them and after reading it over he signed both papers then handed them back again. Lyra looked at the papers just to make sure before folding them and putting everything back into her purse. With an ever bigger smile she leaned over him and whispered in his ear. "Play time."

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