Theme Park

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"Will you please stop bouncing and stand like a normal person?" Jaze asks looking at the people also standing in line to get in.

Some younger girls and middle aged women are eying Lydoran as he bounces up and down on the spot. As usual his choice of outfit is a black wife beater under a black hoodie and low hanging, slim fitted, jeans. Also black of course. Short, black, hair neatly styled.

"But this takes forever." he whines like a kid.

"What are you, ten?"

Lydoran stops with his bouncing and rests his eyes on Jaze. Like always his dark brown hair is pointing in all directions but it suits him. Dark blue, low hanging, jeans and white hoodie with a black, short sleeved, button up under. They look the opposite but still alike in some ways just how they are personality wise as well.

"Nope. 900 and still awesome as fuck." sticking out his tongue just to prove his point.

"Didn't I tell you he would be acting like a little kid." Jaze says to Lyra.

Both are looking at Lyra after Jazes comment and they are stunned by the sight. Her blue/gray eyes are looking everywhere, at everything around them and a big ear to ear smile is glued on her lips. Even Lyra is filled with excitement but unlike someone else she's standing still, buzzing like a hummingbird, as they slowly moves forward in the queue. She looks like a little girl standing between them with her short 5'5 height in her black skinny jeans, loose fitted, lavender colored, top and Lydorans black hoodie, with the silver dragon from sleeve to back, which nearly drowns her small frame. Her long hair is made into a one sided french braid, thanks to Jaze.

"I think you are the only one who can look so happy and content by only standing in line, love." Lydoran says, gently stroking her cheek with the back of his hand.

Lyra smiles brighter when looking at Lydoran.

"Our turn to enter is coming up after family of four and what seems to be a larger group of friends. I wish it could go a little faster." Lyra says leaning out, sideways with her upper body, from the queue.

"You want to pass those in front, love?"

"Don't you dare do anything stupid, maker or not, I will make you regret it." Jaze hisses out sternly. "Please just ignore him, mousy."

"I wasn't going to do anything stup-"

"The larger group of friends are walking in now so its our turn any minute or second." Lyra takes Jaze and Lydoran in each hand and walks up to the booth. Effectively ending their squabble.

"Hello and welcome to Rochélse Woodland Funtime." A guy around Lyras age speaks in abored manner. "How many?"

"Three and give us those bracelet thingy for the entire park." Lydoran says absentmindedly while searching for his wallet.

"Here with your brothers?" The guy asks when noticing Lyra.

"Nope, she's not."Lydoran says still searching for the wallet but gives up and looks at Jaze with a shrug on his shoulders.

"If it were only you I might have sneaked you inside, for a kiss." winks at Lydoran while giving him his wristband.

Jaze barks out a loud laugh. Lyra is standing to the side waiting, unaware of what was just said.

"Sorry but I don't swing that way, although you look sugary sweet, like dessert." winks back and goes to hug Lyra as if she's a living teddy bear and at the same time attaching her wrist band.

"Wipe your drool away, boy." Jaze teases and holds his wrist out. He chuckles when the poor boy looks at him and eyes goes wide just before a blush is spreading on his face. He pays the entrance fee and walks up to the two inpatient 'kids' waiting to get inside. As always a smaller hand grabs holds of his and with a wink to the ticket boy they walk inside.

"Seems like I'm not the only one having fun with the lost little lambs." Lydoran sings out in amusement.

"We are, after all, at a theme park where 'fun' is the key word, master."he retorts back and winks before laughing.

Lydoran joins in on the laughter and Lyra shakes her head at them but can't stop a little giggle from slipping out. She is aware of what they are saying as well as what they don't say but doesn't mind their way of joking or teasing.

"I wanna go here first and then here and after that I thought maybe this one could be fun." Lyra speaks so fast she nearly trips on her own words as she points at the map over the entire park.

"Nice choices, love. Think you have pointed out the biggest roller coaster rides in here. Let's go" Lydoran grabs Lyras hand and more or less runs to the first in ride.

Their first ride is a massive masterpiece made out of steel and wood with two loops and at least two high drops that makes the stomach dance. All three of them are laughing hard at each others facial expressions while walking to the next attraction in line. Looking at it from the ground this one was not as massive but had plenty of loops and twist to make all of them feel a little green in the face. Standing in line, Lyra leans her back against Jazes chest and plays with his fingers feeling happier than ever before. The queue is moving slowly but steady and they eventually reach the front. Lydoran is shouting like a little kid scaring other guests on his way to an empty seat. They are laughing just as much as the two previous rides and Lyra laughs so hard tears are falling down.

Did you see the girls face after the third loop? Priceless dammit." Lydoran barks out laughing.

"You mean that poor girl over there, hurling out her inwards? Lyra points at a group of which one is leaning over a trashcan.

Jaze looks at the direction Lyra is pointing and Lydoran turns his head sideways while holding one arm around Lyras waist. Both boys are meeting eyes before laughing again very amused by the sight.

"Be nice you two." Lyra reprimands without actually meaning it. "Let's go eat something before going on another attraction."

"Alright, alright. Done laughing now." Jaze says swiping away some tears.

"Yeah, me too and food sounds great."

"Fries, hamburger and a large soda is what you need now mousy. After that a big ice cream with caramel sauce and sprinkled chocolate. To the nearest food court."

"And this time you are following us when we order, love. We can always find seats afterwards."

Jaze holds out his hand for Lyra to take before walking in search of a place to eat. Lydoran is walking just behind her also keeping eyes open when someone is walking straight into Lyra almost knocking her down but the other girl takes a firm hold to keep her from falling. The seemingly, younger, girl leans in towards Lyra and whispers something in her ear before running off and disappearing in the crowd. Lyra stands frozen on the spot without moving with a note in her hands. Concerned Lydoran takes the note from her hands, without reading, and handing it to Jaze thenkneeling down in front of her.

"Are you alright there, love?" Whipers and takes her into his arms in a gentle hug.

"He found me, Lyd." mumbles out against his throat.

"Jaze, what does the note say?"

A troubled expression shows on Jazes face as he looks around the crowded area and back to the note.

"This is sick. It says, Greg told me you looked beautiful. Now I believe him. Safe to say the girl were ordered to do this." sighs heavily and tears the note into little pieces and drops them on the ground.

"How did he know she would be here?" Jaze asks no one in particular.

"Don't think he did." says and looks up at Jaze. "Do you remember where you found Lyra?"

" Maybe a mile or two south of here. You think he might live nearby and accidentally saw us?

"How about a piggy back, love?"

Lyra hops up on Lydorans back and they are headed for the car. Nuzzling his neck she softly speaks. "I don't wanna go home yet." 

"Are you sure?" Lydoran asks concerned.

"Don't want him to ruin our day out or my life more than he already has." With a big smile stright from the heart she speaks again. "Besides, we have a few more rides to try out." 

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