Looking For

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Having a daughter is supposed to be the best thing. You're supposed to protect her and make sure she knows she's one of kind. Yet my daughter looked to illegal things instead of me. I'm supposed to protect her and I let her walk into harm's way. Costing someone's life.

"Mr.Lawley?"A nurse towered over me as I sat in the crappy depressing chair out in the hallway. 

"yes?" I looked up. 

"Teegan has been asking for you if you're ready"

I didn't even have to think about it. 

"No Thank You not yet. I'd like to wait for her mother"

"Of course"She nodded politely, "If you'd like there's a family room just  5 doors down" she pointed down the hallway. 

"Thank You" I stood up and made my way to the room. I walked in and all heads turned towards me. One girl about Teegan's age stood up and just stared at me. I waved to her. I went straight into the bathroom. I squeezed my eyes shut ,and took a deep breath. 

This cannot be happening.

This is not supposed to happen. She's my daughter, she's too sweet. This girl isn't Teegan. Teegan is the girl who got bored and locked herself in the bathroom to die her hair. Teegan is the girl who begged for a bunny and when she got one she set it free because she hated that it was in a cage. I don't understand how we got here. 

What did I do wrong?

Was it because I wasn't there? 

Do I spoil her? Of course, I spoil her she's my little girl. 

I hope Lex gets here soon. 

There was a knock on the bathroom door. I wiped my tears and opened it.

"Hi. Sir are you alright?" A tall brunette smiled at me. 

"Yeah. Sorry I'll get out"

"Oh okay. We just wanted to check you were in there a while"

I studied her face for a minute. She looks kinda familiar. 

"Thank you but I'm fine"

"Fine as can be"

"Exactly" I smiled to be polite. 

"Oh, by the way, I'm Doctor Kat Rivers. Do you need anything? Your daughter is in here right?"

"Yeah...um I'm fine thank you. Or as fine as can be"

"Okay. Well I'll check in with her doctor and make sure she's alright"

"Thank You"

"Of course" She smiled walking off. 

I don't know why but I feel like I've met her. She feels so familiar but I don't know a Kat.

What a strange name it's like her mother forgot to add the -ie. Hm. Kinda like Lex, she forgot the -ie too. 

"Hey!"Lex ran in, "Why are you in here? Why aren't you with Teegan"

"I can't do it. I can't talk with her. I'm so angry I don't want to say anything because I'll say something wrong"

"You can't just stay in here. She's scared"

"And I'm mad"

"You have to put her before you"

"She killed someone"

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