Bodyswitch - chapter 7

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                                                      a paranormal erotic psycho thriller


                                                                      David Callinan

Chapter 7  below copyright material.

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Copyright © David Callinan 2011. The right of David Callinan to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with The Copyright, Designs and Patent Act 1998.

This book is a work of fiction all characters are fictitious and any resemblance to real persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

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Cover art: © istockphoto 00003875



Books by David Callinan


The Immortality Plot

(a Mike Delaney novel)

Knife Edge


An Angel On My Shoulder


The Kingdoms Of Time And Space



The Weather Kids


The 10 Minute Miracle

(published originally by HarperCollins with co-author Gloria Rawson)


Sex was the last thing on Jack’s mind at that moment. His whole being felt as though it was separating into its component molecules and being rearranged. The light ahead of him was brilliant but he could look into it without pain. It was a wonderful light. He was part of it and yet separate.

Now he was in the light and he was falling. Fractured images surrounded him but he could make no sense of them. Then he felt the weight of his body once again. By this time he was completely disoriented. Whatever was happening to him, normal human logic had nothing to do with it.

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