New Lanes

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                     *2 years later *

Ariana's POV:

It's 2016 now. And I love change now. Last year was awful because I was with a toxic little boy who was a background dancer. But that 💩been done!

Anyways... I've moved on now and I'm much happier. I have a new bf and his name is Mac. I really do like him. He's such a nice person.

We've also been chill since 2013. The Way was one of my biggest songs and kindle defined my career. And I'm grateful for that.

Lately though, I've been having second thoughts. When I'm around Mac we always be joking and laughing.... but for some reason it feels like we're best friends instead of you know... boyfriend and girlfriend.

I could just be tripping... but what if we would've stayed just friends? Starting to think there would be no difference. Not that it matters.

He has time to spend with me. And I can go to most of his shows to support him too. But I haven't been feeling it. I don't know if I want him or some company nowadays.

Butttt no time to worry about that. Next year is the Dangerous Woman Tour! I've been really happy to get rehearsals started.

Most of my time I spend going over choreography with the twins Scott and Brian. We laugh a lot and I love it. 💛Life is really good.

Sometimes though, I wonder what Sean is doing though. Last time I checked he was busy working on Twenty88 with Jhene. I never like her.

When we were dating she was all up in his face and I was being extra and sitting on his lap to let her know he was mine. Good times... goooood times.

I guess lil bish finally got what she wanted. And I'm sure not gonna hit him up knowing that grown child is around.

She's so extra with him. Like we get it. You got his 🍆 sis, we get it. And she has an actual daughter and she acts like this. Hence the name "Grown Child" Like I or the rest of the world give AF. I still win cause I had it first

*Sean's POV*

So everybody knows I released Twenty88 with my lil baby Jhene. And some of my fans love it. But most of them are over it.

I stay in the studio most of the time, because I'm working on my new album. I keep getting bad press though.

Funny how none of this existed before Twenty88. My life was drama free. But as of right now, Jhene and I are good. For some reason, my label feels like I cant let Twenty88 die out.

I really can't even change my profile pictures on any social media until I'm done with this 4th album. They keep saying I gotta keep my name out there.

It makes me kind've unhappy since I'm already underrated. And me being with Jhene only makes it look like I'm promoting Flop88.

Jhene doesn't make it any easier for me me sometimes. She's always commenting some extra stuff on my photos. And being all horny on snapchat. She got a daughter to think about.

She be actin like a teenage girl who finally got a man sometimes. What can I say to describe her behavior... uhm. How bout childish and extra.

Another thing I get tired of is every time I see her she always wants sex. We barely ever go out to eat or anything. Just places to take photos. Twenty88 promo. And when we're alone she's all over me.

At first it was fun and I was like okay. Who am I to complain about 🐱right? But it's almost like.. TOO much! Ya feel? Maybe I just need some time and space.... specifically from her!

I wonder what babygirl.... I mean Ari is doing. Last time I checked she finally dropped ole boy. But... she hates being alone and feeling lonely.. so she probably got another one.

Just checked anddddd I was right. She wit Mac now. And she's smiling and looking happy. I'm happy for her. She was a mess last year. Glad she getting it together.

I might just have to call her. I could probably congratulate her on Side to Side. I swear her fans buy her music hella fast ! It's top 10 on billboard and not even discounted.

I've known her since 2010... but I still don't know. How does she do it? Make good albums, go on world tours, spend time with family, be active on social media, get a new BF and still stay on the top of the charts?

Not to mention.. look fine as hell while doing it? I really do miss her sometimes. She never stressed me out like ole girl does.

Author's Note:
SURPRISEEEE!!!!🎉👑💁🏽 Dmerrick  and I have made a new SEANIANA storyyyyyy!! 💜It's like we're a dynamic duo.👯 This story has been in the works for a minute. And we're both so glad to share it with you. Tonight, I decided that it couldn't wait. So... here it is..... THINKIN BOUT YOU. You can expect some drama, tea, and just a little bit of shade, but it's about Sean and Ari. I hope y'all love AND are as excited as I am.

You know I love you, xoxo Kait 👑

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