To Our Readers

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First of all, I hope you've all had a Merry Christmas. And for those of you who don't celebrate, Happy Hanukkah 💕. I just want to thank you all for your patience with this book especially. It's been up for awhile and you guys haven't even got a chapter 2. But there's good news: I have decided that I still would like to work with my amazing cowriter Dmerrick !! She's been off Wattpad lately to handle some things. So I'm gonna do most of the writing and take creative suggestions from her. She's such an amazing person 🤗✨ With that being said, 2017 is the year THIS BOOK is going to prosper.💪🏽 So will my other book "Is It Real". Gonna be spending a bit less time on twitter and a lil more on these stories I've found a new passion for 😊 I love you all so much. Thank you guys for being loyal readers and standing by us. We appreciate it.

Xoxo- Kait💁🏽☁️

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