New York, New York Part 1

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Setting :
December 28, 2016
Locations : Ariana - Boca Raton, Florida

Sean- Detroit, Michigan

Sean's POV:

I been in the studio for weeks working on this new album. I don't know what to call it yet, but I wanna figure it out soon.

I need to go somewhere to get inspiration cause I wanna choose some singles. The only question is... where should I go....

As I'm walking out of the studio to my car... it hits me... NEW YORK!!

And I don't think I'm brining Jhene with me either..

Ariana's POV:

I'm going on a little trip soon to preform at the New Years Eve Bash. And I get to go to one of my favorite places too... NEW YORK!!!!!!

I'm really excited to be going back to New York and meeting my babes. They show me so much love down there.

I don't know if I wanna bring Mac with me or it yet...

* New Years Eve *

Sean's POV:

It's New Years Eve and I'm really lit!! Today is the day I fly into New York. I'm so ready to go.

Jhene : Sean!!! Are your bags packed so we can fly out? I got things to do when we land.

Sean: Yeah. What you in a hurry for? We have 5 hours before the jet comes.

Jhene: Oh.... yeah. You're right. Idk I'm just a little stressed cause some things aren't working out.

Sean: Oh really.... like what?

Jhene: Ugh... you don't get it .... Dot and I are having drama again.... and I can't have it affecting my daughter.

Sean: Oh... I had no idea. Maybe that's why you've been acting so distant lately. You can talk to me about anything. You know that right?

Jhene: Well, I know that now. Thanks for being supportive.

Sean: Of course. That's what I'm here for right?......

When I asked that it felt more like I was asking myself instead of her...

I go through Ariana's Instagram post and she's with Toulouse and she captioned "New York Here We come" ....maybe I'll see her there.

*Ariana's POV*

Mac: Why does it take you so long to get ready? Just throw on a shirt and pants.

I'm trying to be nice. I even cooked his ungrateful self some breakfast... but now he's getting on my nerves with this...

Ariana: Sorry. I'm meeting lots of fans today and performing at the NYE live so I can't be looking bunny today like SOME people I know .

Mac: Oh wow. You were behaving this morning. And nowwww you got an attitude. What's your problem.

Me: I'm glad you asked. MY problem is when I do my best to be at all of your shows, you've not been to one of mine since 2013. When I get up to cook breakfast, you never say thank you AND you leave me dirty dishes. What really set me off today is when I'm over here getting ready so that I can look like "Ariana Grande" is supposed to, I got you over here rushing me and telling me to put on something bummy. It doesn't work like that for me... ever. So you gotta get it together or I can happily be single.

Mac: Wow Ari. I didn't know you felt that way... how long have you been holding all that in...?

Ari: For months Mac. Our honeymoon phase came and went.... so I would appreciate if I wasn't the only one putting in effort.

Mac: What more can I do though? I'm here almost everyday.

Ari: That's true. But what's the point of you even being here if you do nothing?

Mac: I mean I get to see a pretty girl. Plus, it's nice being able to know you're dating "Ariana Grande"

Ari: Wow.... okay. That's all the wrong reasons.
1. I'm a grown woman.
2. I'm not somebody's "trophy" oand 3...
I'm not here to make you relevant in the world or meet your aesthetic.

Mac: C'mon babe that's not what I me-

Ariana: Save it ! You know what.... I think we need a break. Imma go to New York and handle business. You can do whatever.

Mac: Fine.

Ari: Okay. See you

Man I'm so glad that's over. A waste of my time and energy. For some reason Sean pops up in my head.

I look through his Instagram and I see a selfie of him and the caption is "New York"

I hope I get to see him there. Especially now 🌚

Hey everyone!!! 🤗 This book is finally about to take off. Feel free to leave some comments and vote on this chapter!! So excited about this book. I'm so happy to finally be able to share this 💘 Please know that I write because I love it !! You guys have my heart really 💖

All my loveee- Kait 💁🏽💘i

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