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Ariana's POV:
I've been getting ready for the Dangerous Woman Tour and been rehearsing almost non stop. The twins, Alfredo, Daniel, and I are getting ready to head home for the night!! We're down to the 10 day countdown!!!

As I was walking towards my car to drive home I see a text from Sean that says "Hey babygirl! It's almost time for your tour! Hope all you fans love it! You worked so hard for this 😌" I started blushing just reading it.

I quickly texted back
"Omg. Thank you so much!! That means so much to me. I miss you so so much❤️" I typed quickly.

"You miss me huh?😏" the text from Sean said YES!! " I typed while smiling. Sean left me on read for about 5 minutes. And for some reason I stood there staring at the phone waiting on a response

A text from Sean finally pops up saying "Turn around👀 " I was a bit anxious.. cause Sean doesn't usually text like that. I take a deep breath and turn around slowly.  And to my surprise It's Sean flashing the million dollar smile with open arms.

Before I could speak I jumped into his arms with my legs around his waste and squeezed him tight. "Seannn. What are you doing here ? " I asked happily. "Well. I had to come tell you good luck on your tour in person.

"Well thank you... " I said. I look into Sean eyes for a minute and am apt get a flashback.
Damn I miss this. I whispered it and Sean heard me.  "What was that Ms Grande? " Sean said smirking. "Ha ha. Very funny. Nothing. " I said brushing it off. I think about hopping down. But I don't want to.

"Okay babygirl. As comfortable as this is right now, I've gotta head out and get to the studio. Imma see you later okay. I'll pop up at one of your shows. I promise. " he said sweetly. "Okay. I'm gonna come to one of yours too. " I said. "I still love Detroit " I said.

"Aww. They love you right back. Okay baby girl. I really gotta go. Come give me a hug" he said. I went in for a hug and wanted to stay there forever. The cologne smelt good. But I stopped myself.

After the hug Sean kissed me on the cheek and whispered "15 more days".  He winked the. walked to his car. The whole "30 day cleanse" had suddenly come back to me. I'd been so busy prepping for tour I had forgot.

"Okay sir.  That's how we play now?🙃" I texted Sean. "Yes. It's even easier when baby girl doesn't remember there's a 30 day cleanse 🤗" he texted .

*15 days later *

Sean's POV:
Location: L.A
Time.... 7pm

"Sean she's gonna be so surprised and happy when she sees you" said Lexie. "You sure " I ask. "I've known this girl forever. She uhm..... she still.... well she made me promise to ever say it out loud" Lexie said getting nervous.

"Oh nah. You already said half of it. Go ahead and tell me now. You may as well not turn back now" I said smiling to myself. "She...... she still loves you. She's only ever told me that. It was one night when her and I were out partying. We were half sleep.. and she said "Lexie. I have a secret. " And I was like "Bishhh whatttt". Then she goes... "I still love him sis. " Then I asked her who and that's when she said your name. She literally would kill me if she even THOUGHT you knew cause of me" Lexie explained.

"Oh wow... I'm kind've in shock. I'm surprised she still feels that way. Thanks for telling me. This makes me even happier to see babygirl. Maybe it's time to let her know how I feel. " I say with a little confidence.

"Sean I'm serious! Please.. I miss you two together. You made her happier than anyone ever has. At least talk to her. You can do it. Don't let anything stop you this time. Promise ? " Lexie said and resided an eyebrow "Promise " I said. "Alright Sean. It's about that time. SEAN. Stay back here while Ari performs so that she'll be surprised. The rest of you? Meet me in the crowd. LET DO THIS" said Scooter

"You've got this Sean." Scooter said to me as he walked over to Ari's dressing room.

Ariana's POV

I'm in my dressing room getting myself ready for the show like any other night. But this one's different. This is LA. I've already got photos with Kim K and North. I wonder who else is coming.

Scooter walks in and tells me "Ari. You're on in 10 but we've got a little surprise for you tonight. " Omg omg! I hope Sean's here.. but I don't say it out loud. "Oh yayyy. Tell me please!!" I say smiling. "Well.. we brought back some of your old friends" he said proudly.

He opened the door and I couldn't believe what I saw. It was the whole cast of Victorious (minus Victoria ) " OHMYGOSHHHH !! My Victorious Squadd. It's been so long since I've see you guys. GROUP HUG EVERYONE BRING IT IN" I say feeling hyper.

They gathered all around me and hugged me. "I'm really glad you all are here" I said to them. "We wouldn't miss it for the world Dingus" said Liz. I gonover to Liz and hug her. "Liz we used to have sleepovers all the time. Let's bring that back soon" I said. "You've got it. Just call or text me whenever" Liz said and winked.

"So ... how does it feel being a worldwide famous pop star ?" Leon asked. "Well... it can be overwhelming sometimes. But I'm doing what I love and making my fans happy in the process. So I love it" I said and smiled. "ARI YOURE ON IN 5 " Scooter yelled. "Okay boss. I'm on the way" I yelled back. "As much as I love talking to you guys , I've gotta get on stage"

"We understand. We better get to our seats so that we don't miss it" Liz said. "Alright. You heard the lady. LETS GO" Matt joked. "Bye Ari" they said in unison. "Bye squaddd. Imma see y'all after I'm done. I said.

I walk toward my lift that brings me on stage while I lock arms with Lexie. "Girlll this is sold out and it's LA . I'm nervous " I whispered to her. "That's okay babe. You're gonna do amazing. You're Ariana Grande remember? " Lexie asked "I guess. Maybe some magic will come through tonight " I said thoughtfully. "And it will. Believe that. "said Lexie. She was giggling like she knew something I didn't know.... But I didn't have time to figure it out.

Here comes the countdown. I told myself 10...9...8..7...6....5....4....3....2....1... Alright. Let's go. I've got this. Treat it like any other night. With some extra fleek on it.

Setlist :
Be Alright
Bad Decisions
Touch It
Forever Boy/ Knew Better
Break Free
Let Me Love You
Side to Side
Dangerous Woman

"Goodnight LA. I LOVE YOUUUUU" I yell into the mic before I come down from the stage. I can't believe how loud the crowd was. I was so happy that I was on a lil bit of a high. I ran backstage and hugged everybody.

"WE DID IT. YASS BITCHHHH" I yelled. We were literally jumping up and down, dancing, and having the time of our lives. I calmed down a hit when Lexie said "Hey Ari. The squad and I had fun with you tonight. It's about time for us to go though. We love youuu queen" said Lexie. "Aww. I hate y'all are leaving so soon. But I'll see y'all soon. We've gotta start a group chat " I said. Each of them walked out except Scooter and the tour crew .

I was singing one of my favorite Beyoncé songs to myself as I sat in the chair In the darkest nights ohhhhhh. ( In the darkest nights ohhh) I search through the crowdddd. ( I search through the crowdddd).

"You know guys.. Tonight has been just perfect. I'm not sure what could possibly make this day any better " I'm glad you asked" said Scooter. "What do you mean?" I said.

Scooter walked to the door, opened it, and I swear my heart stopped when I saw him......

To be continued ....,,;:

Authors Note:

CLIFFHANGERRRRR!!!!😈. Hi babes 👋🏽 Back with another update !!!!😇 I really took my time on this one cause I want this book to be quality more than anything. Plus , I wanted to give
y'all a cute chapter 🙈 Please feel free to vote, comment, and share this story. You guys are really my inspiration😽💫

xx Kait💕

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