New York, New York Part 2

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Sean's POV:

Location: 5,000 miles up in a private jet w/ Jhene

Bruh. She's been complaining since this flight started.... Talking about how I'm not supporting her enough.. but I take her to all my events, spend time with her, and I help her with her daughter.

How is she being so ungrateful rn? She basically has a career because of me man... Oh well. I'm gonna try puttin in my earbuds to time her out.

*2 minutes later*

SEAN ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME!? Jhene yelled. "Actually, no. " I said bluntly. "Sean cmon. We clearly have issues so we should just talk about it and be mature" she said.

"Okay Jhene. Now you're making sense. So besides this drama with Dot, what's your problem?" I asked.

"Well. I just feel like I'm trying too hard. I'm always following you everywhere and trying to get my career back on track, but that's not working. Twenty88 didn't even do well and you wrote most of that. Not to mention I'm in a custody battle for my daughter. I don't think you ignoring me is helping either Sean." she said.

"Okay. I'm sorry for ignoring you and putting my headphones in. You're going through a rough time. And we're friends over everything so I'm gonna be right here to support you. I promise. Okay? " I smiled

"Okay " she said. She smiled and kissed me on the cheek. " All this mess has got me exhausted. I'm gonna go take a nap. You coming with me " she asked

"Uhmmm... nahhh. You need some space.. some you time. I wanna respect that and just chill up here. Getchu some good sleep though" I said kindly. "Okay." she said. She walked to the back and I fell into my seat.

Whew! I'm glad she's sleep now. I can tell she needs a nap. All this stress is enough to drive me crazy. I really have baby mama drama... and I don't even have a baby... I'm starting to wonder if it's worth it to even stay in this relationship...

Ariana's POV
Location: Private jet to New York

I feel so free right now since Mac is gone. Nobody's up my behind 24/7.. no more cigarette breath. And most importantly... NO MORE FAKE SMILING.

Im having the best time deleting all these photos, texts, and corny mess from when I was with him. The best part is that I won't have to tell my fans cause they know the deal alreadyyyy.

I brought Nonna, Mom, and Tolouse with me. Tonight is gonna be a huge performance. The New Year's Eve bash with all my fans. Ughhh I can't wait

"I haven't seen you this happy in months Ari. Did something happen? " Mom asked. "Yes actually. I broke up with Mac. I realized that he was dead weight and that I can be happy without some man around me all the time. In fact. I've made it a point to go at least a month without dating anyone. It's gonna be healthy for me." I explained.

"I am so proud of you. You're on the right path and doing what's best for you. I absolutely love it. " Mom said with a nod of approval.

"Hey bellissima! " Nonna said "Yes queen?" I asked? "How's that old flame of yours... Sean was it? " Nonna asked. "Yeah it was Sean. And from what I've seen on his social media he's fine , has a gf, and everything. He posted how he's heading to New York. If I see him, I'll talk to him. We should catch up. " I said smirking.

"Wait!! Ari I know what that smirk means. You're up to something! Remember Ari. You're single... but he has a girlfriend and you're on a 30 day cleanse. " Mom said  "I understand mom. I'm not up to anything. Sean and I were friends first. I just think we should be friends again. That's all." I said simply.

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