What I've been Missing

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Author's Note:

Omggg! It's been forever since I've updated !! But I'm here to make up for all that. School is out, I've graduated, So I've got a little bit of time to put into the story. You guys know the drill if you've ever read my stories. We're picking up RIGHT WHERE WE LEFT OFF! The Seaniana reunion 🙌🏾 Read up babies

Ari's POV

Almost impulsively.. I ran over to him. I jumped up on him and wrapped my legs around him and gave him a huge hug. "Sean !! I missed you. I can't believe you made it " I said excitedly.

"Of course babygirl. I had to come see baby girl do what she does best one time " he said smoothly. "Aww. You're so supportive I love it. "... "Has it been a month yet" I whispered in his ear.

"Actually.... it has. Do you wanna get out of here ? We can go to my place.." He said sexily
"Yes baby. Lemme just tell everyone bye" I whispered

I detached myself from Sean for long enough to say by to Scooter and the rest of my crew. Sean and I snuck out to his car as fast as we could.
It was gonna be a wild night .. I could tell.

*at Sean's house *

I basically raced up the stairs and laid on his bed and got comfy. Sean came in about a minute later with his shirt off ... which is exactly how I wanted it.

He laid down next to me and I rolled over on him and let the cologne take over. It only took a minute for a makeout session to happen. Next thing I know I was straddling him and taking off his shirt.

He did the same to me. Needless to say, it was one of those nights. It went from the bed.. to the floor.. to the couch. "Damn I missed this" Sean said. "Me too daddy" I said... and we got right back to it.

Everything about it felt right. The dark right. Sean all over me. My legs wrapped around his waste. Feeling him going in and out of me. I missed it more than I thought. When we got done, my head was resting on his chest and I was dead sleep

*the next morning *

I woke up the next morning confused. I was in a bed... but it wasn't mine... and I was extremely sore ..Then it all came back to me... I was at Sean's place. And from the looks from my bra on the other side of the room, it was a wild night.. at least I know we used protection .. cause the paper was right next to me.

I rolled over expecting to see Sean next to me... but he was gone. I instantly felt a wave of stupidity and embarrassment. I got up, ran to the bathroom, and looked in the mirror for awhile. 

Why don't I have willpower ? Why isn't he here? Why did I always  let him have me so easily? And why do I love dick so much.. ?

I knew I had to face my life eventually. So I tied my hair up in a bun, walked out of the bathroom, threw on one of Sean's shirt.. and did my walk of shame. I went downstairs and to my surprise , I see Sean fully dressed putting vegan waffles on a plate.

I thought wrong . Maybe he does still love me... Lemme tip toe into the kitchen.

"Good morning Ms Grande " He said smiling. "Good morning Mr Anderson" I said playing along . "The waffles look good. That's so sweet of you to  get up and make them for me. "I had to babygirl. You know you're worth it " he explained.

"Aww. Quit being cute and pass me the waffles please " I said giggling a little. We laughed and talked all through breakfast. Reality hit me when my phone went off reminding me it was time to get ready for rehearsals. Today was an off day, but we try not to get rusty .

" Okay Sean. I'd love to stay here with you all day.. but I've gotta go to rehearsals. " I said "Damn on your off day?" he said. "Yup. You know I don't do days off baby. I gotta stay ahead " I said "You haven't changed a bit and Grande " he said shaking his head . "Neither have you Mr Anderson." I gave him a kiss and left

Got him back! Just that easy 😊

Comment and vote loves ! I will try and update as often as often as I can 💜

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