Tempers Flare

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Ariana's POV:
Sean has been super busy lately. This Twenty88 part 2 era was really taking an emotional toll on me. I know that Sean told me not to pay attention. But I really couldn't help but to look at his Instagram and see ithe prmom photos of him and Jhene, watching the interviews, and hearing the songs on the radio.

The nice part is that even though Sean's been very busy lately, he still makes time for us. Just simple things likes going to dinner in private places , movie nights, and sometimes we just Netflix and chill. It's nice... but I just have to be careful about what I say in interviews. I'm single as far as my fans and the general public knows .

I've been trying to put the most energy into my career as possible. I'm working on my 4th album and it's going to be self titled. I also want it to be a visual album. My team has been very awesome about the changes and they understand that I'm trying to upgrade everything this era.

Whenever I start feeling bad about T88 part 2, I just distract myself and bury myself in as much work as possible.

Sean's POV

These past few months have been crazy. I've been working in the studio with Jhene like crazy. It's weird cause our friendship is getting stronger each day. And I kind've understand her a little better now. The interviews and making videos sucks a little less each time. And Jhene has been enjoying every second of it.

The issue is I know it's having an affect Ari. She always says it doesn't bother her... but I have a strong feeling that it does . She hates social media now. And she's been working more than ever lately. On her off days , she hides in the studio and makes more music. It's almost like she doesn't wanna slow down .

Either way. I hope I can come home and surprise her at her house tonight. Cause I plan on taking her on a trip . I haven't seen her smile in awhile so I think it'll do the trick. It'll give her and I some time to just have fun before she starts touring again. I'd do anything for my baby girl .

Ariana's POV
It's noon and I'm at rehearsals for the second leg of my tour now. I'm gonna have international dates and they all start in two months. I lowkey wanna go somewhere with Sean but we all know he doesn't have time.

I quickly pulled myself back into work mode when Brian said "Ari! It's rehearsal time. Wanna start with "Be Alright "? We went through vogues and breath control. And of course we brought out the bikes.

I was really excited to be able to bring our focus since the US fans didn't care too much for the song, I figured it's best to give it to fans who don't get to see me often.

*end of rehearsals*

I decide to check my phone for texts and none from Sean. I decide to call my mom and let her know I'm coming to see her.

*in the car*

As I'm on the way to my mom's I hear "Bounce Back" on the radio. I took a video of myself singing along to it since I was at a stop sign. I even posted in on snapchat with the caption "this song is 🔥🔥🔥"

*at mom's house*
I unlocked the door and noticed mom had cooked some dinner. But then Toulouse and Sirius ran to me jumping and barking. "Mama missed you guys " too I said rubbing them both. "Mommy it smells great in here. And I missed you" I said walking into the kitchen. "Just making a nice vegan dish for my daughter. We've gotta catch up. How's tour and everything?" Joan asked "Well the tour is going great. Amazing turnout. And the fans are just the best. I'm glad to do this for them. And Sean and I are doing good too. " I said while my smile began to fade. "Ari. It's okay. You don't have to lie to me. I know Twenty88 part 2 is everywhere. It's okay to admit it's bothering you" she said as she began putting food on the plate. "Aww. Mommy I'm glad you're concerned. But trust me. What Sean and Jhene have to do for this entire era is just business. Some crazy deal Sean has with Kanye. Sean's career is getting so much better for it. " I explained . "Well okay. As long as you're happy .. then I'm happy. I'm sure Sean wouldn't neglect you" Joan said... "Now let's eat" she said making us both laugh.

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