Chapter 3

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Hello! I hope you like this chapter XD!!! I just thought this song went well with the story! I really want to make an edit to this song but I don't know how (silent tears run down my face). Well love all y'all and hope you enjoy this chapter!!!

Rylei's POV

My eyes fluttered open, all groggy and glazed over. A sharp pain shoots up my back as I try to sit up to see my surroundings. What happened? Where in the hell am I?

I look around the space. My eyes are met with vibrant colors of material with the sun leaking through. I'm in a tent, but who's? I hear mumbling out side of the tent as I look around the tent, trying to get any ideas of whoever's tent I am in. It's spotless, completely clean.

As I try to sit up again, more pain shoots through me. I groan and hope that they didn't hear. But I'm wrong, as soon as I stop groaning, 2 men walk into the tent. One wearing a officers uniform with brown hair and boots, kinda like Mais. The other man was a little older, with white hair, and suspenders on.

Mr. Officer Dangle sizes me up and down trying to figure out who I am, the older man rushes over to me, trying to calm me. "Hey Miss, it's alright. We aren't here to hurt you, your already hurt enough." The old man specifies, " My name is Hershal, Hershal Greene."

"And I'm Rick Grimes," Says Officer Dangle. I stay quiet as they wait for my name, or anything at all to come out of my mouth. I look down at my hands and play with my fingers, and trace my tattoo. "Where are we?" I ask quietly.

"We are on my farm, we will talk about that latter, first we need to talk about what happened to ya, and find out your name." Hershal says with a small smirk at his last comment. He seems like a man that shouldn't be in this situation, the apocalypse I mean. He is clean shaven with clean clothes on. He seems to have hope in his eyes. Maybe that hope that the world will get better, maybe it's hope that he will live to see another day. I don't know what it is, but he seems to be trustworthy.

"Rylei... Rylei Willows." I state with hesitation. "What happened to you Rylei?" Rick asks me from behind Hershal. I look up at the men. Should I trust them? Oh to hell. "I woke up to hear a truck horn and hoped it would be someone that might be able to help me... But no one was there." I say looking straight at the officer. "I got up, packed my shit and went to see where the horn came from. Around noon I hit the highway and sat undersome shade. I heard the truck again and then there they where. Taking my things and telling me it belonged to them! Once I refused to give them MY things they beat me. And left me and my things on the side of the road... " I looked at both the men, Hershal looking mortified and Rick looking a little stunned.

"The last thing I remember is seeing a deer in the woods... and a man. A man shot the deer, and then I collapsed." My voice cracking a little bit as I speak of the man with beautiful eyes. "How long have I been out?" I ask staring between the two men.

"Daryl found yesterday, when you collapsed." Rick said scratching his chin, " he brought you back and Hershal took care of you." So Daryl was the name of the blue eyed stranger... "You had passed out because of the blood loss. You seem to have 2 bruised ribs and... well just bruised everywhere. You had a large gash on your arm and a deep wound on your thigh. I cleaned them up and stitched them up. So be careful moving around and about, you don't want those to open up." Hershal told me as I looked down at my now closed bullet wound.

"Why did you guys help me? Why not leave me to rot? I'm no help to you guys, I can barely sit up for Christ's sake!" I say looking at the men like they where crazy. Why would they even help me? I was better off on my own looking for Carly Rae, and of course Pipin. I would be no help to them whatsoever, just another mouth to feed, and someone to look after.

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