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Story Name: Unforgiving Fear

This story is meant to be slightly sad and a bit bloody, thus the asterisk. Anyway I wanted to write this cause of a report I did, not too long ago.
Just for to grasp the story, this is a little girl around 9-12 at most.

And thank you to my wonderful cousin UltimateStoryGeek . For trying to help me ;)

'No! Not again!'

My heart raced quickly as I sat against the wall, knees to chest and covered my ears to cover screams that echoed throughout the small household. Tears slipped from my eyes. I was scared. Scared of everything.
My shadow, my friends, my parents.

It's been around 2 years now since my father and mother started to resent each other. In every single one of those fights, I have never been able do anything to help either one of them, because my fear has controlled my mind and soul. A bystander, a coward, an idiot. That's all I was and still currently am. Ever since then life hasn't been life anymore. I know I could've just told my teachers about the situation at home, but I was too scared. Scared. I hate that part of me so much.

The fights had been small little skirmishes at first, but then they slowly turned into all out wars.

This one has been the worst one yet.

There was more screaming then usual and they looked so mad like they were about to physically hurt each other.

I was silently sobbing my heart out, until warm arms wrapped their warm arms around my small frame. As I took in the the scent of my comforter, I realized who it was immediately. Lea.

"Lea....I-I'm...scared" I say in between breathes. I had been crying for possibly over 3 hours now.

"Shhhhh....It's okay...your big sister is here." She says in a comforting voice. I relaxed in her hold. This position brought back memories of time when these arguments had been going on for about a year.

I was crying in my room, scared to death of the rising new personalties of my parents.

"Ria? Are you okay?" Lea came running into the room with her backpack still on her thin, but beautiful figure. It looked like she had just returned from school. Me and her both walked home from school however, I always came earlier then her since she always took extra classes. She promised me that she'd get me and her far away from this place. Away from my parents. Away from the hurt and pain. I was willing to go anywhere if it was with her. I loved her the most out of everything in this world.

"L-Lea.....they're fighting....again." My voice breaking from the crying and the tears that spilled all over my face.

"Oh my little RiRi...." She smiled comfortingly and walked over to pull me into a soothing hug. "Come here. Shh...it's okay." I had relaxed under her firm protective hold. One I had calmed down, she released me and stared deep into my emerald eyes while holding my small fragile hands.
"Ria you need to be brave. You have to fight for what you want. If you don't you'll lose everything."

I had admired those words so much. So strong and confident. I wish I could be like that. But in the end I can only wish. Can't I?


My thoughts were interrupted by a loud crash coming from the kitchen and dining hall. My sister immediately ripped away from and got up and ran over to see what was going on. I was frozen in place as fear surrounded every part in my brain.

Shouting could be heard once again but, this time my sister voice was also added in the mix.

I wanted to go help her....no I needed to, but my body refused to budge.

"Ria you need to be brave. You have to fight for what you want. If you don't you'll lose everything."

As soon as I heard those words in my head, I knew I had to go. I had to be there for my sister. Right then and there, I knew I had to be brave even though I wasn't capable as a human being to have courage.

I slowly stood up and stumbled before running to the Kitchen. Tears stained my cheeks as my face was etched in fear of what was happening currently.

As I was about to turn the corner to go into the dining room a sound stopped me in my tracks.


Things seemed to go in slow motion as I started running towards the kitchen. Only one name went through my head.


My eyes widened when I saw the gruesome sight laid out in front me. There was so much blood. Two bodies were lying on the floor completely still as red liquid poured out of them. A frightened looking man was standing in the middle of the room hold a black object his eyes locked on the floor. I squinted my eyes to see what it was out of shock. A gun. Finally my mind comprehended what had happened in this very kitchen. Involuntarily I began walking towards the two bodies. I choked on my breathe as I recognized the figures sprawled out on the floor. I fell to my knees.
"L-Lea? Wake up....what are you doing?" I start saying in a choked voice, Tears started to well up in my eyes.
"Mom? Can you wake Lea up? She....won't listen to me....." At this point tears have already started fall from my face.

I started to sob. The realization was starting to sink in.......

They were dead.

After a long period of the constant tears coming down from my face, I looked back at the man I called my father with pure rage. I didn't know where this anger had come from. All of a sudden I had the courage to confront the murderer.

"How?! How could you do this?! You monster!" I screamed at him immediately getting up and start running at him with a fist in the air.

"S-Stay away from me!" He exclaims frightened by seeing me approach at an alarming rate. He points the gun at me in warning.


Pain rips through my stomach and through the rest of my body. The impact of the bullet made me fall back roughly onto the floor.

"I have to get out of here!" My father yells. He runs out of the kitchen and, judging by the sounds that echoed through the house and my consciousness, escapes the house. I heard the distant sound of an engine and a car driving away. He left....that coward....

Heh. I shouldn't be talking.....

I stared at the ceiling unable to breathe and slowly losing consciousness. How could this have happened? How could in 2 years of time destroy a whole entire family?

I looked over to my right where my sister and Mother lay. I focus in on my sisters face...

I'm sorry Lea. You told me..
You told me I have to fight for what I want.... but I didn't....
And I did lose everything...

I slowly crawled over to Lea. I took her once warm hand and held it weakly...I moved my head to look at the ceiling once again.

"I'm....sorry...." I say my last words as my soul leaves this world and everything goes black.

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