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Another Excerpt! I apologize for these. I know I should be writing something better for you guys to enjoy. However, I'm trying to get Lunar Assassin back on its feet and then there's Starcrossed Curse that's coming soon! So I'm pretty booked! But don't worry I'll find time soon!


Shattered Crown Excerpt 2

*Continuation from last time*

"That is hilarious, do you even know what you were doing? That filthy trash you allied yourself with, the trash that I slaughtered, are the reason that this city suffered all those years ago! Before I came along, this place was worse than it was now! I am this Kingdom's savior!"

He says, relaxing with a smirk on his face. Nods of confirmation and murmurs of agreement went around the large and highly decorated throne room.

I need to work on my glare, he became accustomed to it way too quickly for my liking.

"My turn to laugh you fat cow!" Gasps go around the room. "How many years do you think people will go before they realize your lies?" My question sprouted the look of surprise, anger, fear, and horror on his face which was extremely satisfying. This was something that I've been waiting for since I had found the truth about him. "The fact is, is that I know the truth about you and your reign! So I am not the one in the wrong! You are!" I yelled at him, my rage becoming more and more evident in my voice.

"If you know the truth, then you leave me no choice." My father mumbles in a volume so low I was barely able to catch it. "It seems the last standing members of the house of Leonheart, have corrupted my daughter! They have brainwashed you to think such horrible lies!" He exclaims in a loud and booming voice.

I now knew that this was not just for the conversation between daughter and father, but for the audience. In other words, he's trying to convince the audience that I have indeed been corrupted and am no longer the princess I once was. He wants them to accept my fate. Execution. Death by flame for a traitor, which according to him. I was.

To my horror as I moved my head to look around the room, I saw nothing but nods and the phrase 'He's right' going around the crowd. This man, the man who murdered a whole family of at least 3,000 just for power, had succeeded in sentencing his own daughter to her deathbed.

I snapped my head towards my father, with a look that could scare a dragon.

When he looked back at my face, he nervously chuckled and swallowed.

"I..-ahem-...I-I'm sorry to do this to you, my daughter, but I cannot let my own offspring commit treason. I must stop you before you do something you will regret." Father states as he walks down the stairs to his throne, to approach me.

"Any last words? I'm sure as an ex-member of royalty you should be granted at least that." Father inquires when he stops right in front of me. A faltering smirk on his face. Heh, at least my glare was somewhat intimidating him.

"None to say to a murderer. However, a thousand to say to the people who are being played by your lies. No matter what, I will expose what you are doing to this city. Even if I have to rise from death. I will find you and kill you." I knew the venom and bloodlust in my tone had chilled him to the bone when he froze with wide eyes. I did my job. After for waiting what seemed like an hour, he clicked back to the present, the noises of our audience finally reached his ears.

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