Ch.2- Hi?

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Melissa's Pov:

   I woke up to the sun hitting my face. It was the worst possible way to wake up since I love sleeping in the dark and not having any source of light waking me up! I saw that my iPod was dead so I plugged it in and let it charged. I decided to go eat breakfast and come back to get my iPod and play some games on there. I head to the kitchen and like any normal person get cereal and milk! I poured my milk and cereal in the bowl and headed towards the table to sit down and eat. Little did I know that my sister would come and sit on top of the table and take my spoon away and eat my cereal! 'So much for eating breakfast' I though!

   I put her sitting on a chair and go to my room un-plugging my iPod and playing some games. I then recieved a text. I didn't know the person and forgot how the person got the textPlus account number! I go to the app and read the message. 


   Well, that's weird! Doesn't say a name! All it said was that the users name was Absolut M. I wondered for awhile saying 'What is going on though that persons head naming themselves after some vodka!'. I reply hoping I wasn't doing a mistake and found some creeper talking to me! I respond back only saying "Hi" in return. A few minutes later I recieve a message again!

"I saw your message on the review and well I decided to message you." Stranger said.

"Oh, ok! Well, do you ever read the reviews because I actually wasn't expecting someone to message me! I was bored and well did that." I responded back.

"That's ok. I just saw it and decided to text you since I got curious." Stranger said back.

"It's fine. Can I ask where you are from?"

"I'm from Wisconsin and what about you?" he said.

"Well, I am from sunny California -.- I hate it since I am more of a winter person!" 

"Really? Well, I don't like winter I like more the summer since there is no snow during that time!"

"You don't like snow? What is wrong with you?? I would do anything to see snow! May I ask something? What is your name?" I responded back.

"My name is Giovanni."

"Nice to meet you Giovanni! Well, more like talk since we are only texting! I am Melissa! You probably know that because of the my user!"

"Yeah I can notice!"

   I looked at the clock on my iPod and noticed time went by very quickly and I didn't know that! It felt like breakfast was just about an hour ago, but it has been more than about 4 hours talking to this guy who I didn't even know!  I decided to tell him it was time for me to go I had to go out with my family to see some family members! About time they took me out!

"Hey. Can I text you later? I have to go out with my family somewhere is that fine with you?" I responded.

"Yeah, it is fine don't worry about it. Bye Melissa" 

"Thank you! Text you later if not tomorrow if I come back late! Thanks though bye Giovanni!" 

  I changed brushed my teeth again and headed towards the care where my parents and siblings were at and hopped in and drove off to see my family members.  Once we arrived my cousin attacked me with a hug as if she hasn't seen me her whole life before! She rushed me to her room and asked me,

"Have you found your other half yet?"

"No. Why the rush? No one would be interested in a short-ish 5'4.5 girl with a slight tan and dark brown hair and eyes and with short temper you know?" I pointed out.

"Meli you are very beautiful! Trust me many people are jealous of the way you look!"

I laughed slightly, "Jealous? Ha that's funny because that's a lie! Oh, well if I do find my other half well I am going to hope they treat me right and won't cheat!" I was holding in the tears. Tears because of an unfaithful ex I had. One that cheated on me plenty of times.

"They won't cheat trust me! Let's go to Randy's room he put new music on his desktop lets go listen to it!"

"Fine, lets go then." I muttered under my breath.

   Time went by so quickly that it was time to go home! I hugged my cousin and aunt and walked out with my parents towards the car and got in and drove home. We made it home by 9pm and I was drop dead tired! I wanted sleep and rememebered about my iPod. I checked it and remembered about Giovanni. He seemed like a very sweet guy. I showered and dressed in pj's and went to sleep with my last thought being about Giovanni. Even though I barely talked to him he seemed like a person I would get along with really well! All of a sudden my mind went blank and my eyes closed and I was out for the night.


Like it?

I don't know I feel like the texting part may bore you guys I'm not sure! I'll continue it though! 

Bye guyyyyssss <(^.^)>

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