Ch. 7 - Trusted Or Not?

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Melissa's POV:

        God I hate school!! Here I am staring at my computer screen staring at the teacher going over and over a damn project.  My school hands all 400 kids Chromebooks and only assigns projects and also test. If you don't pass the test which are online forget it at the end of the year you will fail.  I hated this system couldn't learn because have these people have no plans to go to college like I did!  I stare at the time waiting for it to turn 12:20pm to start lunch and sadly it was 12:12pm.  Just a few more minutes and I can text Gio! I hate not being able to talk to him because of classes!! Ugh.. 

        As soon as I see the time reach 12:19pm I start packing and pull my phone out as I hear the teacher dismiss us and quickly text Gio.

"Hi Gio.  I am at lunch right now! I missed you a lot!!"

"Hola preciosa! I missed you too! Has any guys talked to you today?"

        Guys? I sat next to one in English and another one in a different class, but we don't even talk to one another we ignore each other!  

"No Gio no guys have talked to me at all!  I sit next to like two, but I don't talk to them at all!!"

"Are you sure? Do they stare at you or say anything about you?"

"No Gio! They don't talk to me or even stare at me! I promise!! I am only yours and I love you!!"

" They better not because you are only mine! Mi ya y de nadie mas!!!!"

"I am yours forever Gio I promise!!"

"You better never leave me preciosa! I love you way too much!!!! Without you I don't know where I would be!!"

"Te amo también Gio mucho!!!! I can't ever lose you ever you are the world to me!!"

"Are you sure no guys talked to you?  I am scared that you'll go with someone else just because I am not there with you right now!!"

"Gio, I love you.  If I didn't want you I would have left long ago Gio.  Te amo I mean it with all my heart!!  You have my heart and no one will ever have it!!"

"I love you too and I am sorry I am just just very scared :( "

"Te amo Gio"

"Te amo también meli.  Please I am begging you if you ever love someone else tell me and it will hurt me, but I would disappear from your life forever preciosa.  I can't imagine you loving someone else it drives me crazy!!"

"Gio I cannot love someone else I just can't!! I WANT only you.  I NEED only you.  I WILL forever love you!! Someone else will never have a chance!"

"Are you sure preciosa?"

"I am sure Gio! I want to be yours forever and for you to be mine forever also te amo!!!!!"

"Thank you!!! Te amo!!! Te amo mucho!!!!"

I stare at the screens clock and realize lunch is about to end.  

"Gio, lunch is almost over can I text you when I am home?"

"Si preciosa you can I love you!!! Have a nice day and remember you are only mine!!! Adiós mi pincesa hermosa!!"

"Adiós mi Gio te amo también!!!!!!"

        I walk into my class as I hear the teachers yelling it's time to go in.  As I walk into class I smile thinking how sweet and caring Gio is, but in the back of my head it kept saying how much he is doubting is because he is just as scared as we are.  I hope he never leaves me, but for now I'll be grateful he is still with me even though his trust is lacknig.


Hey guys!! Sorry for a small update haven't had too much time for writing since I am back in school sadly and its being a pain!! Also, there is a lot going on for me and I am feeling extremely down :(  it has to do with my story.  Firstly,  updates will be extremely less frequent, but I'll try my best to let you guys know when I'l update and secondly, I have a lot of problems at home and later you'll know what has me extremely down don't worry!

I hope you all understand I can't update frequently and sorry this is so short I feel terrible for it :(

Hope to update as soon as possible!  If you wanna message me dont hesitate please know I'll always respond back and vote, fan, comment!  Till next time bye bye :( 

I am having problems putting a stupid song for this chapter, but if it doesn't appear the song I wanted to share is Stranger Ways by Anberlin it is amazing!!!

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