Chapter Seven

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Back to Evelyn Pov
We walk in with Nick, Red, and Barney behind us. We keep walking and on the way to Adams office I see more symbols, then I see the people with the symbols. We get to I think the kitchen and I see a red bow tie and a purple and white jacket. Adam walks in and grabs something. The music shapes out out the kitchen and them. I say hi and they say hi back. I walk out of the kitchen and seeing if I can find Adams office before he gets there. The music shapes everything out as I walk around to see who's office is who's. I walk by one with a hoodie with a flash symbol, oh it's Reds office. I walk by another office that had a glass apple on its desk, this was Barney's office. I stand in between two other offices and walk into the one on the right thinking it was Adams office. (Jin) Hey Evelyn what are you doing? (Evelyn) Oh I was looking for Adams office... this isn't his office is it. (Jin) No but you were close, his office is the one next to me. (Evelyn) Oh so I was close thanks Jin. I hug him while thanking him and walk into Adams office. I sit in his chair and look at the shelf he has. I hear some shuffling and thinking it was Adam I say hey. (Jin) Hey to me or to someone else? (Evelyn) Oh sorry Jin I thought you were someone else. (Jin) ... Oh by the way welcome to the offices, I think your going to fit in just right. (Evelyn) Thanks Jin. (Adam) So whose ready for some games! The others yell back saying yes. Adam comes into the office and sees me in his chair. (Adam) So you want to record with us? (Evelyn) R-record with you guys? (Adam) Yea, and don't worry we'll teach you how to play and you can pick the games, and we have a spare computer across form Barney. (Evelyn) Oh ok give me a minute to get set up. (Adam) Ok, I'll be there in about a minute or two. (Evelyn) Ok. I walk over to the spare office and sit in the chair. I pull up minecraft and put my "name" in and pull my skin up from my phone. I see a world come up and I press it. I look around to see if there was a microphone and headset. I find the mic and turn it on and place the headphones on. When I done with that the world loaded.
~The Chat~
Street18Performer had joined the game
(Adam) Is that your in game name? (Jin) That's a neat name. (Ross) Its ROSSOME! (Barney) Goat you have new name haha I'm kidding goat. (Evelyn) Yes and thanks, so how do I move. (Adam) Oh yea press---
Time skip about two hours later
After playing and filming Minecraft one of them offered GTA V to play next. We all agree and got set up. Adam came over to the office I was in and helped me make an account for the game. After he helped me he went back to his office and logged in the game. (Adam) Ok Evelyn lets go get you some new clothes for your character. (Evelyn) Ok.
Time skip two and a half hours later
They helped me learn how to play and work everything, they even helped get me some stuff for the game. I looked at my phone and saw it read 12:58. I can hear footsteps and see Adam at the door way.(Adam) So you want to go and get lunch? (Evelyn) That sounds nice, oh who's coming with us? (Adam) Oh just the guys then I think we are heading home. (Evelyn) Why are we heading home? (Adam) Well me and the guys are doing a challenge video and it's out by the lake. (Evelyn) Oh ok.
Adams Pov
Evelyn walked towards Emily's office and I went over to the guys who were all near Max.(Adam) Hey guys do you think you can help me throw a surprise party for Evelyn? (Max) What's it for? (Adam) Its Evelyn's 13 Birthday and the first one with a family so I want to make it special. (Ross) Why wouldn't we help she's fun to play with. (Barney) So when do you want us to go and decorate. (Adam) After lunch. (Jin) Your asking for the impossible. (Adam) I know but it's for her so you all in? (All) Yes.
Evelyn's Pov
I head over to the guys who were getting ready for lunch. Adam motions us to head out and he pulls out his camera and gives it to Ross and whispers something to him. We get to the cars and get in. Adam, Barney, Red, and me went in one car while Ross, Max, Nick, and Jin went in another car. We head out and Red and Barney are asking questions to get to know me. It takes about seven minutes to get to the mall and we meet the others at the door. I see that Ross had put the camera away before we got near him.
Ross Pov before they got the mall
Adam came over to me and handed me his camera and whispered film the ride and explain what you guys are going to do after lunch. I nodded my head and we headed out. I ride in the car with Max, Nick, and Jin while Adam, Red, Barney, and Evelyn go in another car. I started the blog and the others were confused. (Ross) Heh guys Ross here and I have the camera again and I'm with Jin, Max, and Nick and we are going to get food. We are going to meet Adam, Barney, Red, and someone new to the offices and after that we are going to head over to Adams house to decorate for the new girl because it's her Birthday.(Max) Do you have to explain what we are going to do why not let them find out. (Nick) So why aren't we saying her name is it a secret? (Ross) Yes Adam said not to say her name until they see her so I'm sticking with that. I put the camera away after another minute of talking. We get to the mall and see that Adam and them were parking. I pull out the camera and say we made it to the store. I put the camera back in my jacket pocket and the others join us.
Time skip after lunch
After lunch we were joined by Emily who took Red and Barney to Adams house so they can start setting up and me, Max, Jin, and Nick will join them soon.
Evelyn Pov
After lunch almost all but Adam left to go get some work done. While they left Adam showed me around the mall we were in. After about an hour or so I can hear that Adam had gotten a text. He read it and said we got to head home now are you ready. I nodded my head yes and we walked to the front of the store and on the way I grabbed his hand and he held it tight. We get to the car and we head off. I still can't tell if he remembers that it's my birthday. After a few minutes we get to his house. I hear loud music inside and can hear it's fun music. Adam leads the way to the door and tells me to wait out here for 60 seconds so he can get something. He goes in and I count to 60, when I'm done I walk in and get surprised by everyone. Barney comes over to me and picks me up upon his shoulder and takes me over to my parents. All four of them had a box with a bow on it. Barney puts me down and I can hear Ross saying this is the new person to the offices and her name is Evelyn. I'm overjoyed and run up to my parents and hug all four of them and they hugged back. (Alesa) Happy Birthday sweetie. (Einshine) How do you feel? (Evan) Happy Birthday my little owlet. (Evelyn) Is this why we had to go home? (Adam) Yes, I no we wanted you to have a great birthday with your family. (Evelyn) This is amazing thank you, I haven't felt this way for awhile. We partied for about an hour or so playing games, eating candy, and having fun. After about another 30 minutes they asked me if I wanted to open the gifts. I nodded yes and they bought the boxes over to me. (Alesa) Open up mine first. I take the gift she had and open it up to find a big purple bow with light blue snowflakes on the sides. (Alesa) The snowflakes are in the color of your birth stone. (Evelyn) Thank you, can you help me put it on. (Alesa) Of course I will. She put in by hair and took a picture and showed me the picture. I smile and hugged her. (Einshine) Here open mine next. I take his and open it to see a golden heart, then it shapes out to form a stuff animal dog. Einshine then whispers to me: I'll show you how to work it later, and he kissed me on the cheek. I smiled and hugged him. (Adam) Here you go. Adam handed me his gift and I open it to find a necklace. I take a closer look at it and see it's an amulet with a orange inside with a gold outside. (Evelyn)It's an amulet like yours. (Adam) Yep a member of my family gets an amulet. (Evelyn) Really thank you can you help me put it on. He helped me put it on and Alesa took a picture and showed it to us. After that we started playing more games. After about an hour or so we started watching movies. Alesa sat on my right side and Evan sat on my left side with Einshine on his left. Adam sat on the floor in front of us with Barney on his right side. Everyone was spread around the room, it was nice to see. Tow movies went by and it was 9:54 and Alesa, Evan, and Einshine were asleep and Adam was too but he fell on to Barney's shoulder. I was starting to drift off too then darkness.

Hi everyone, so as the book tells you Evelyn is now 13, well as Evelyn, herself in the real world I'm 14 so I hope you liked this, ok I'll "see" you all later.

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