Chapter Twelve

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Few weeks later
Evelyn's Pov

" I can't see anything! Let me listen to music!" I shouted." You can see just fine, again!" The scientist yelled back." You bastard, I can't see anything or hear where it's coming from."I yelled back." What did I say about back talk!" He yelled, then pressed a button and the collar around my neck started to shock me. I yell in pain and fall to the ground." Now! Do it again."He yelled again. I stayed on the floor waiting for another shock but I heard the other three." I thought of angles chocking on their halos getting drunk on rose water." I hear Ethan sing. My sight was coming back but at a slow pace." See how dirty I can get them pulling out their fragile teeth and clip their tiny wings." Victor continued." Anything you say can and will be held against you so only say my name it will be held against you." Violet sang. They continue singing the song as I could finally see that I was dodging poles from the wall. The first one came from below, which I was finally able to jump over. After one minute I was against the wall and was losing my vision after the others stopped singing left on a pause. I couldn't see much and the wall shocked me to keep going. I was hit form behind knocking me to my back. I could feel a power within me about to explode. I get to my hands and knees and feel my eyes glow." I said I can't see anything!" I shout feeling the power leave me and the building start to shake. I play music within the speakers of the building and start to regain my vision and see a concerned look off of the other three and a look of confusion from Victor and Ethan. I look towards the Scientist and use my powers to pull him to me, by him phasing through the wall and up to me." I told you that I need music to see everything. Now you should pay." I place him on the floor and start room up without noticing that he had called backup." You are a very stupid kid." I heard him say as the door to the lab opens taking the other three and getting ready for me to do something. The Scientist that was below me pressed the button to my collar and it was shocking me. I yell in pain but stay in the air until the walls were now lined up with tasers pointed at me. They shoot and I try to stay in the air but that power was gone and I fell." Stupid girl, you think we can't handle your powers we know all three of them." He says while to people come up to me and drag me to my cell. They throw me in and I lay still until I remembered that I can turn into my wolf form and my cat form, with my wings, and now my Herobrain powers." Evelyn? Are you okay?" Victor asked." Eve?" Ethan asked. " Come on get up, please get up." Violet asked. They sounded so worried about me even when we didn't know much about each other. " I'm...okay." I say as I sit up and look at the other three through the bared windows." Did you know you could do that?" Ethan asked. I look towards his voice and say " I don't know but it worked out pretty well." " Hey how come you didn't tell us you were part Herobrain?" I hear Victor ask. " Well my dad, Einshine is part Herobrain, and my other dad has the amulet of Herobrain." I tell them. " Wait, wait Einshine, Einshine Herobrain, in the files he was marked as my dad along with someone named Fredi Saal. Do you know them?" Victor asked. " Yes I do know them, I talked to Fredi the morning that these guys took me." I told them. " Amulet of Herobrain, why have I heard that before... wait as if it belongs to Adam Dulberg?" Ethan asked. " Adam, yes he is my dad along with Shine and Evan." I tell him. " Adam is my dad with someone named John, do you know them?" Ethan asked. " Yes, John is his friend but they aren't together." I tell them. " So Evan Fong?" Violet asked. " Yes Evan Fong is my dad, so your his and Jonathan's kid they were talking about." I tell her. " Yes! So that means your our sister?" Violet asked. " Well if I am then I'm your half sister since I have three dads not the other three." I tell him. " This is amazing now we can live together!" Violet said cheerfully. " Well maybe, that's depends on if the dads agree with it." Victor says. The lights to our cells shut off telling us it was light out and we needed to sleep.
Next Day
When I woke up I wasn't in my cell, I was a lab table chained down to it. " Morning Eve." One man says. " Uh morning... where am I? And what are you doing?" I asked him. " We are seeing how bad your site is, since yesterday was something else." He says.
7 Hours Later
I get thrown back into my cell with bandages over my eyes. " Evelyn!" I hear the other three shout. " What happened?" I hear Victor ask. " They we're trying to fix my vision, and I won't have to fully depend on music to see." I tell them. " When will the bandages come off." Violet asked. " They said tomorrow." I say.
Next day
Shine's Pov
It has been a month since Evelyn was kidnapped and we had some evidence that showed us where she was. A few days ago there was a strong power source somewhere in Death Vally, which I thought was weird so I told the others. They said it could be Evelyn who just figured out her new powers. We tracked down the power source to a lab deep into Death Vally, that had a feel of Herobrain powers but it seemed strong. I was a close enough distance away from the building to not get caught but to call to Evelyn. " Evelyn? If you can hear me call back." I say using my powers. " Shine? Oh my gosh Shine! Help me!" She says. " Thank god your okay. We are we needed to make sure it was you." I tell her. " That's amazing but, there are three others in here that need to get out as well. Can you help them too?" Eve asked. " Yes we will. I need names." I tell her. " There's Victor, Ethan and Violet." She tells me. " Okay, we'll be back very soon." I tell her then fly back to the others. " Guys!" I shout as I land almost falling on my face. " What? What's wrong?" Adam asked. " Evelyn is it there, along with three others, she wants us to help them as well." I tell them. " We should, they don't deserve to be in there." Evan said. " Okay tomorrow night we are getting our kids back. Let's get ready." Adam said and we left the area.

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