Chapter Nine

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Evelyn's Pov
I woke up to someone shacking me. The symbol was a mask, wait Shine? Then I hread music come on, and it shaped out Shine.(Evelyn) Shine, hey I was sleeping.(Shine) Come on I want you to meet someone. He gave me a some clothes. He left the room and I got dressed. I left the room and Shine took my hand. He guided me down the stairs and out the door. We kept walking for about three minutes or so before we stopped. I could only see the symbols of Shine and someone else. The other symbol was the letters F and S in front of a red circle. The music started shaping the people out and I can see who it was. The other guys was taller than Shine, wearing pants, a shirt, wristbands and lighter color hair than Shine. He looked confused on what I was doing before he said something. " Hi, I'm Fredi, you must be Evelyn?" He said while holding his hand out. I shake his hand without saying a word. " Fredi there is also the thing, is just going to be hard to say." Shine says rubbing the back of his neck. " What happened?" Fredi asked sounding concerned. " Well you see Fredi... this is my daughter." Shine said. Fredi didn't look to happy, then he stood in front of Shine looking him in the eye before Fredi picked him up by the waist and started to spin with a huge grin. " Shine this is amazing. We always said that we wanted to raise a kid!" Fredi cheered. He put Shine down and turned to me and with open arms he did the same to me as he did Shine. I was laughing while him and Shine were smiling. He put me down and I fall to the ground on the half that I was dizzy before I heard someone shout. " This way!" The man shouted. Soon there was a pack of wolves staring at us three. One saw me on the floor and the other two standing over me. " Now!" One wolf says. Then they pounced onto both Fredi and Shine, while Shine told me to run. I look to see them on the floor fighting off the wolves before Shine gets bit showing a bit of blood. Something inside me snaps when Shine yells in pain and it makes me growl. I turn into a white wolf with a black tipped tail with grey paws and pounce onto one wolf that was attacking Fredi. The wolf looked confused before I went to Shine and pounced on two other wolfs and pushing Shine and Fredi behind me. I kept growling hoping it was enough for them to stop. " JONATHAN!!!!!" We hear Evan shout. Evan comes from up the road with Adam, Alesa and Barney following behind. The pack of wolves then turns into the Banana Bus Crew making me super confused. Jonathan was the one that bit Shine and that I pounced on, turned towards Evan. " Where's Evelyn?" Evan asked before Adam ran to Shine. A few of the men pointed towards me to show Evan who it was. Evan walked up to me and sat on his knees and put his hand out for me to sniff it. " So Evelyn, you look like you know how to change into your wolf form. Do you like it?" Evan asked. I easily turn back into my human form with my wolf tail and ears still out and nod my head. I stand up and walk over to Shine to see his arm was bandaged up while Fredi helped him up. " Who the hell are you and why would you take the girl?" Jonathan asked in a mean tone. " What do you mean she's my daughter as well, remember the three dads thing." Shine replies. " Did you just say three dads?" Fredi asked. We started walking home and explaining what the three dads thing and everything in between. " Shine are you okay?" I asked. " Yes I'm fine just sore." He says. " Are you sure because Jon bit you, since he's a hybrid you will become a hybrid and do the same." I said making everyone quite. Jonathan came up to me and asked how I knew that. " Well when I first meet Evan there was a scar on his arm that looked like an attack from an animal, but where you guys are from the area with no huge predators that live there, so you would have to be bitten by a hybrid, and by seeing your whole crew is part wolf then they were bit as well." Everyone stayed quiet for about a minute before Shine asked a question. " How do I know it worked." He asked. " During the night, so we will take shifts to make sure you can handle it." I replied getting everyone confused again. " Evan? Your also a hybrid of a wolf?" Adam asked. " Yes I am, but when you told her you were part wolf I thought I would not have to tell her." Evan said. We get to the offices and everyone goes their own way while I walk to the bathroom. I put my phone down on the counter and look into the mirror. I pull my ears and tail out and study them the best I could without color. Before long someone comes in and scares me to make me jump turning me into a cat instead of a wolf. " Oh I'm so sorry, I didn't think anyone was in here." Morgan said. " Come here I'll take you to your dad." Morgan said holding her hands out. I walk up to her hands and she picks me up and walks out of the bathroom and towards Adams office. In his office was Barney and Fredi. " Um Adam I have something for you." Morgan says as she hands me to Adam. " Um a cat? Where did you get a white cat?" Adam asked. "Well that's not a full cat... that's Evelyn." Morgan continues. The other three looked shocked before Adam walked out of his office and towards where Shine and Evan were. " Do you two happen to be part cat are you?" Adam asked. The other two looked confused while I climbed onto Adams shoulders. " Are you saying Evelyn can turn into a cat as well as a wolf. Then who the cat?" Evan asked. " I'm part cat." Alesa said coming up to us. " You are?" Adam asked. " Yes, sorry that I never told you but that mean she has each one of our powers with her, like Evan's wings, Einshine's Herobrain, Adam's wolf, and my cat. So you know that she is ours." Alesa said. I jump down and turn back into my human form. After a few hours we head home taking Shine and Fredi with us in case the hybrid part is to much for him. In their room there was a shelf all around the room, I sat up there in my cat form in case the others fell asleep when they were watching. It was about 11 pm, I was with Jon, he was on his phone to stay awake as I kept walking around the top. Within a minute there was some odd movements with Shine that caught my eye. Jon being on his phone didn't notice the movement until Shine was in his wolf form about to jump onto Jon. I jump down, transform into my wolf form and tackle Jon hearing him yelp in shock. Shine ran out of the room as fast as he could, me than following him hearing Jon shout to the others. Shine kept running into the streets and towards the forest. Shine stops and turns towards me before he change back into his human form. " So uh that kinda hurt." Shine said sitting on the floor. I walk up to him and rest my head on his lap as he pet my head. We sat there for a couple minutes before I heard Evan shout for me and Shine. A pack of wolves then found us and took us home, while we were walking home Shine was messing with his ears and showing Fredi. We get home and I head upstairs and to bed.

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