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"Ass hole pure blood!" Zero was on the floor tied up from head to toe in chains. The feeling was not comfortable as he wiggled back and forth tring to get out. The man that had kidnapped him just watched with his arms crossed and a brow raised. "You are aware that i put you on a, very soft bed right? You just decided to roll off and start cursing at me once you woke." Zero glared at him as he grinded his teeth together. "You still kidnapped me you ass worthless hole!" Rido frowned and picked Zero up by his chin using only a fingre. "You know if you keep flapping those lips i'll have to find a better use for them." (Please say blow job so we can bite off his fucken dick!) (Ichiru thats gross!... wont he just heal anyway?) (Dont know but wanna try? It'll hurt like hell~)

"Whaaa!?" "Quiet!" Rido glared at Zero before throwing him back on the bed. "It was a joke boy dont think to far into it." He looked at Zero once more before a knowing smirk crossed his face. "By the way i heard piece's of your thoughts. And i dont really like your thought process... and no we wont HEAL from that so i sugest you NEVER test it." The man turned walking to a chair but paused. "On second thought, do try it. Try it on Kaname." (Ha! that would make him usless.) Zero rolled his eyes at both of them. "What are we here for?" Rido stared at him for only a moment before he pulled out a book with a leather cover. Something made his chest tighened when he saw it, then memories dashed threw him making an emotion surge and Ichiru speak. "Thats Hio's diary!? How dare you take that!"

Rido looked a him with a unreadable expression before flipping the pages of the book. "Yes and no... its her log book about you three. Herself, Zero, and the boy she couldn't help fall for though she knew she could never have him. Zero's eyes widen. "What... you and Hio... gross." (Shut it Zero! Not like you can help who you fall for... or have cared about haveing lossing her...) zero stood silent and looked back at Rido. "So is that book why you kidnapped us?" Rido shrugged. "Half of it. The other is to piss off Kaname, though it didnt go well the first time im sure i can handle him the second."

Zero used his chin to sit up. "Is that also why you messed with Yuki?" Rido closed the book after hearing that. "No... thats not why. I did that because it annoyed me that she forgot everything and turned into a pathetic meat bag. Its a waste of her mothers genetics..." Rido looked up at Zero with a crazed smile. "Also it seems she forgot her fear and hate for me. I'd hate for my sin to go unoticed. After all when you play as dirty as i have it must be known, its no fun to get away with it." The white headed boy watch him for a moment debating if he should ask what he meant, but he decided other wise and just layed down. "Whatever. I'll just wait for Kaname to find and kill you." (And i hope thats soon, beacause i hate being under chains once again...) (oh you've been chained up before!? Kinky much.) (Shut up!!!)

~The Dorm~

Yuki was curled up on her bed relaying her memories to herself over and over again... but something felt off, and that was Kaname's existance. She remembered fearing his death and felling heart broken about it. Though a lot was going on for her to even fully register the loss, and more was taken as well afterward. (And now he's even taken Zero... my other brother...) Yori watched her with cautions just sitting on the bed side as she rubbed the other girls leg with a soothing motion. She started to hum pleasently as she watched Yuki trap herself into her own mind. She knew keeping her from it would just stall the situation. So it was best for her to come to terms by her own strength rather then attempt to help her. After all, the only person capable off saving you is yourself. Yori just stood by her to let her know she would never be alone.

She rubbed her arm up once more before gently pulling Yuki's lap down to lay in it. The girls red eyes looked down to meet with Yori's brown in question. And Yori just smiled slipping her fingers threw the now yuki's very long hair, and settled her fingers on the other cheeks. Her finger repeating the same rubbing motions from before. "No matter what happens i know you can handle it... your stronge like that." A smile made its way to the Yuki's face before gripping the hand over it and gently squeezing. "Hm, i only got this as long as your with me." Yori started to giggle and roll over. "So chessy!?" Yuki laughed as well as she pushed Yori off. "Oh like yours wasn't bad ether." The two girls laughed for a while, eventually stopping at light snickers.

Yuki looked out the window and twirled her hair. She stared straight across towards the direction of the moon dorms. "Yori. I have something i must take care of... something i must know even if it hurts." Yori watched Yuki with wide eyes. She sighed once before sitting up as well. "And im guessing it's something you must handle on your own?" Yuki simply keep looking outside. Yori sighed once more before kissing Yuki on the cheek. "Well you know where to find me. Good luck."

~Kaname's Room~

A knock was heard outside of the brown heads door catching his attention. He ruffly said "come in." As he moved to face whom ever it was, not expecting his fake sister to come out with an expression of determination as she walked to him briskly. "Kaname... or who ever you are, i want to know everything. Explain to me what my memories cant. Tell me what is the true story behind my families murder, and why you are tied to it. Who are you really old blood?" The mans eyes were filled with shock, but soon died down to a emotionless stare. "I see... so you've not only remembered but pieced together a great deal of what has happened around you... i will tell you everything Yuki Kuran. I just hope you can handle it."

Ok do you guys even want me to spend some time explaining 'Kanames' orgins and stuff or naw just go back to Zero being "saved" and stuff?

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