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My eye twitched listening to Sasuke sigh again for the fifteenth time!Both Uchiha brothers were in my car and I was driving them home.Apparently both of them got grounded from their cars for pulling stupid pranks against one another. Mikoto on the first day of me driving them around hugged me and told me that I have great patience for doing this. Yeah well now that Patience is wearing thin. Itachi was in the passenger seat looking out the window tapping his foot.Stupid Uchiha male pride. "Look I just don't get why one of us can't drive. Honestly were both better drivers then you" My eye twitched again and I sighed. "I can stop this any time Sasuke and both of you will be stuck walking wherever you want to go." He shut up for a little bit.

I had known the Uchiha clan for about a little after my birth. Sasuke and I grew up together and Itachi was forced to babysit us a lot. My mother and Mikoto were best friends, Fugaku was like a second father to me and not only would I get scolded by my parents about doing stupid shit they would scold me as well. It's like a freaking village raised me. Their grandfather Madara would even scold me, even though I'm not related to a single one of them. Most people would cower in front of the old man but me I got used to it quickly and I had an attitude with him. I realized pretty quickly he enjoyed tormenting me so I started acting indifferent about his scoldings. Sasuke sighed again, cue eye twitch, "Come on just let me drive you idiot" I bit my lip and Itachi looked over at me, almost chuckling. I turned on the radio and ignored both brothers.

Finally their outrageously large house came into view and I sighed happily. I pulled into the driveway and turned the car off. "Get out" I rested my head on the steering wheel. Both brothers opened the doors and stepped out of my car. I was about to start it again when Madara came out and knocked on my window. I rolled it down and glared at him earning a glare back. "You're staying here for dinner. That's final no questions." I groaned and rolled the window up and getting out of the car. Why couldn't my mom be friends with Hinata's parents? I trudged into their house and kicked my shoes off earning another glare from Madara. I rolled my eyes and walked into the kitchen seeing Mikoto cooking away. "Hey Mikoto ma" She smiled and patted my head. "Dinner is almost done can you please go tell the boys."I raised an eyebrow "Which ones?" She laughed "All of them" I nodded and walked into the living room glaring down Madara. "Ma says dinner is almost done." He rolled his eyes and ignored me. Fugaku on the other hand stood up and went into the Kitchen. "Hey you know you are betrothed to both Itachi and Sasuke right?" My eye twitched and I looked back at Madara "Excuse me?" He smirked the old fool smirked "You heard me. You're going to be married into this family. I'm surprised no one told you yet" I laughed "You're joking" His face turned dark which is pretty scary for an already intimidating man. "No I am not, Go ask Mikoto"

I gulped and slowly walked up the stairs ignoring the old man. I knocked on Sasuke's door but got no response. I walked over to Itachi's and stopped myself from knocking. I could hear both of them talking. "Sasuke you really need to calm down with the whole driving thing. You're going to drive her up a wall" "Hn" I rolled my eyes typical Sasuke. "I just want her to be safe. You never know what could happen. In any event you should be worried too,she is our future wife at the moment." My jaw dropped....so it is real. "Yes but she can't know that yet. Remember little brother, Her mother wants her to find someone for herself...and if she hasn't found anyone by her graduation one of us is going to be with her." My heart was beating in my chest hard. "Yeah but we all know she wont. She's only interested in fictional characters.Plus it is in a contract form signed by both of our parents. Even if she did get a boyfriend she would have to dump him and marry one of us." Oh Sasuke how I'm going to kill you in my dreams. "Yes little brother. So the question is who will she choose?" I heard some shuffling around the room and I gulped. I raised my hand and knocked on the door. "Come in" I slid the door opened and smiled"Mikoto ma says dinner is almost ready. SO get your asses down there and help" I glared at both of them and stomped off down the stairs. Both brothers looked at each other and followed after me.That dinner was very awkward...I stayed silent and the brothers were both glancing at me now and then. By the time we all finished eating I checked my phone and sighed. "Thanks for dinner Mikoto ma but I need to get home now. I have a paper due in English" She smiled at me and nodded. Madara stood up though and glared me down "Just stay the night it's to dark for you to be driving. You can do your paper on Sasuke's computer." I sighed. "No I really need to go home. I have other things like clothes at my house and your not there either." He glared harder at me and I glared back at him. Fugaku sighed and Mikoto giggled. "Why do you have so much backbone girl?"I rolled my eyes "I guess dealing with you all these years made me get one" He kept glaring at me. "Do as I say." I huffed "Yeah sure watch me" I rolled my eyes and left the kitchen going to the front room for my shoes. Madara followed after me cursing and yelling at me to stay. "Bite me old man!" I flipped him off and slammed the door in his face. I heard him roar in the house as I walked over to my car.

I drove away with a victorious smile on my face and the memory of Madara's fuming one. Most days ended up like that with their family,I was just glad more people were not over today. The next morning I crammed a muffin down my throat and kissed my dad bye. Mom was already at Mikoto's so I didn't have to drive her over. The only thing keeping me from school is them. I groaned and started my car driving over to their house. Everyone was sitting outside, Fugaku,Madara, Mikoto, Itachi, Sasuke, my mother, and Shisui. I sighed and got out of my car walking over to my mom. "So..." She smiled at me and patted my head. "You boys be nice to my baby okay? Don't annoy her to much" I rolled my eyes and glared at both Itachi andSasuke. Shisui started laughing and was about to make some lewd comment but my mother stepped on his foot. I smirked at him and turned around walking back to my car. "I'm leaving in five minutes....scratch that five seconds after the car starts." I got in and started the car watching both Sasuke and Itachi scramble over to it. If I have to choose one of them I will make them suffer a bit....who am I kidding. I'll make them suffer even after I choose.

Annoying Brother (Modern! Sasuke X Reader X Itachi)Where stories live. Discover now