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For two hours I was forced into a red Kimono, had my hair done in a braid that fell over my left shoulder, and had makeup put on. I stared at myself in the mirror amazed. "Is this really me? Good god I look Asian, which is a feat because only my dad is half Japanese. Holy shit Mikoto ma is this really me?" I looked back at her and she nodded, the red kimono looked amazing and felt amazing on my skin. I think it was silk, also the Uchiha symbol was so small it really did look like flower petals blowing in the wind. "Should we get my mom?I think she would die seeing me like this." Mikoto nodded trying to keep from crying again as she ran out of the room. Madara poked his head in. "You know if you wear that in public you have branded yourself as an Uchiha wife." I looked back at him and smiled. "Oh Jiji don't you know by now I will follow what my parents want, but on my own terms. This is something for Mikoto ma, she doesn't need to be tormented, she loves me like her own daughter." Madara huffed and walked into the room, He pulled out a hair pin and placed it in my hair. It was the Uchiha crest, red on the top white on the bottom but it glittered in the light as the crystals caught it. "What is this?" I looked back at him and he scowled. "This was my late wife's. She wore it proudly as will you one day. Don't screw this up." I chuckled and hugged him tightly the kimono shuffling behind my footsteps. "I think I am going to outdo the midget bride on her own day." Madara chuckled rubbing my back.

When I pulled away he left the room, the only thing to do was to stare at myself so that is what I did. "Oh my god!" I looked back at the owner of the voice, the silver chimes that hung from the hair piece  clanked together. Itachi, Sasuke, My mother, and Fugaku all stood there staring at me. My face turned red and I glared at Mikoto. "I said just my mother!" She laughed and walked over to me placing her hands on my shoulders. "What do you all think? Will she be appropriate for the wedding?" I rolled my eyes, Fugaku stepped in and held my face up "That's Baba's hair piece....Jiji... did he give that to you?" I nodded and Mikoto gasped. My mother walked over and smiled at me patting my head. "Boy's what do you think?"Fugaku turned to the side showing me off. Sasuke blushed looking down at the floor and Itachi's eyes widened "You look like a different person!" I stuck my tongue out at Sasuke. "Well duh I look Asian now." My mother giggled "Sorry dear that my background is not Asian." I shrugged looking at her and smiling. Itachi though he smiled a small smile but it was there, he walked over to me and pulled me into a tight hug. "Geez I'm getting hugged a lot today!"Everyone laughed at me and when I pulled away I looked at my mom and Mikoto. "I don't think I should wear this though. I going to upstage the midget bride." My mother rolled her eyes "Who cares about the midget" My mouth dropped and I started laughing "Oh my god mother!" Fugaku started laughing as well, "Well I'm sorry but she is! All these years I wanted to say that with you. Thank god your father is not here." With that everyone was shooed from the room as I changed. "So do you know who you will take with you?" I looked back at Mikoto and my mother "Well since I'm wearing this I think it is only right that it is a Uchiha. Can I take Madara jiji?" My mother face palmed and Mikoto sighed. I giggled and shrugged placing my shirt back on. "I think I will let the boys decide." They nodded and I smiled, this is going to be fun.

After I changed back I walked to Sasuke's room, I was about to slide the door open when I heard voices. "Sasuke, Do you love her?" I blinked a few times and pressed my ear against the door. "Itachi do you?" Pompous asses."Yes, I will make her my wife with any means. You were both infants, you grew up together, it wasn't until recently that you found out what our parents had in store." Sasuke grunted "So?Just because you have known longer doesn't mean anything, We may have grown up together but I know how I feel." I huffed and slapped a hand over my mouth trying not to make noise. "Back down little brother" I bet Sasuke is rolling his eyes."No, You only smile at her and hug her, you talk with her as if she was lesser than yourself. She is my equal who do you think she will choose?" I rolled my eyes You both treat me like a little sister. "Sasuke, She saved me from killing you all, I will dedicate my life to her."Again I rolled my eyes Yeah well I didn't even know I did that. I was just having a nightmare."She saved me from killing myself, I have just as much of a right as you do." True, but I just didn't want deal with the repercussions of your actions."Sasuke.."

I sneezed, I fucking sneezed, my eyes widened as I freaked out mentally but my body reacted before I could stop. My hand raised to the door and I knocked. "Sasuke! I need to talk to you" Mentally I was screaming to run. The door slid open and both Itachi and Sasuke stood there. "Did you hear what we were talking about?" I blinked a few times and smiled "No why was it about some girl you banged in the vagina?" Sasuke rolled his eyes and a visible sigh from both boys could be seen. "I'm glad your both here, I need a date to the wedding as you know." I walked in and sat down on Sasuke's bed. "So what are you asking us to go? You can only take one" I rolled my eyes "No shit Sasuke. No I wanna ask which one of you will be willing to go with me." They both took a step forward and glared atthe other. "You both want to go to a boring wedding? Well instead of arguing about it you two do a challenge and whoever wins will go."

I blinked a few times tilting my head to the side smiling. They both nodded and I smiled more "This week we are off from school for spring break. During this week whoever can kiss me first gets to go."I smacked myself mentally, really? Kiss me? Ugh! "But it can not be a surprise, nor can it be forced. Treat this as if you were going out on a date with the woman you want to be with."I smiled at them and they were quiet "So if one of us kisses you,you will take that person to the wedding." I nodded "oh and don't get caught by Jiji. If he catches you trying to kiss me you are disqualified." They both frowned but nodded and I jumped up hugging the both. "Good than this starts tomorrow morning and ends on friday at dinner." I walked away waving at them, both looked like a deer caught in headlights.

I immediately ran to Madara's room and banged on the door. He slid it open glaring down at me. "I have a problem" He rolled his eyes and moved to the side letting me in. I sat on the floor in seiza bowing down as well. "Please oh please help me. I made a stupid agreement that will cost me my first kiss." He chuckled and sat down in front of me. "Tell me" I sighed and sat up "If one of them can kiss me before dinner on friday night I will take them to the wedding. But the catch is that they can't get caught by you. Also it has to be in the moment, not a random surprise or forced kiss."He chuckled and leaned forward slightly looking at my face. "If I agree to this I have my own stipulation." I gulped and nodded"Whoever kisses you is also your fiance, we will announce that after the wedding." I stared at him as if he had three heads."Excuse me? No I still have the rest of this year until I graduate!I will choose who I want, plus Jiji I don't even know which one I like, what if the announcement is made and I want the other one?"He placed a hand on my shoulder squeezing tightly "You have already accepted to be in the Uchiha family, think of it as an arranged marriage, I suggest you figure out who you want quickly and get them to kiss you. If not fake the happiness, it is your duty as an heir to your family as well." I rolled my eyes and looked at him pouting"Man your cruel I'm glad I am not marrying you." he chuckled and released my shoulder. "I was not a cruel man to my wife. I can assure you of that." I sighed slouching over "Jiji I heard you were possessive over me as a baby, I just can't imagine that." His dark eyes scanned over me "I was, I never thought though this is what would have become of you." I rolled my eyes and kicked his leg softly. "You're such an ass. But if you were so possessive of me why aren't you now?" He raised an eyebrow and sighed "Because my grandsons will treat you right." I rolled my eyes and stood up"Whatever, thanks for the help I'll agree to your terms." He nodded as I left his room. Fuck me!

Annoying Brother (Modern! Sasuke X Reader X Itachi)Where stories live. Discover now