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I went to bed that night at my own house. My mother didn't disagree so I just went home. It was nice having the house all to myself, it's nothing grand like the Uchiha's but it definitely was great. I crashed into my bed missing it's familiar softness. No offense or anything but the guest bed at the Uchiha's is rock hard. I fell asleep quickly to. In the morning the smell of cooking woke me up. I looked around the room and down at myself, I really needed to change so I got up and walked to the bathroom turning on the shower. I just figured my dad came home and was cooking seeing as only us three have the keys. Wouldn't be the first time he came home early either. I stripped of my clothes and got in the shower relaxing as the hot water hit my muscles. Once I felt enough energy I scrubbed myself clean and got out wrapping a towel around my body and hair. I looked at my reflection yawning, after that I brushed my teeth than walked into my room.

Only instead of making it to my room I crashed into a solid object.Looking up my eyes widened seeing Itachi, I jumped back and screamed."How the fuck did you get into my house?" He smiled down at me"Your mother gave me the key. I didn't feel right letting you be here all by yourself, what if someone broke in?" I rolled my eyes"Yeah well you almost gave me a heart attack. Also don't forget you tried to rape me, so if anything I think I should be more worried about you than an intruder." I glared at him and he chuckled stepping closer to me. "Oh silly (name) if I wanted to I would have, But it seems you are more eager to be with me than you lead on." His eyes scanned down my body and I blushed. "Asshole I just got out of the shower I thought my dad came home early! Don't look at me like that!" I went to run past him but he grabbed my waist pulling me back into his chest. The towel on my head fell off as my wet hair clung to my neck and face. "Itachi let me go" He nuzzled his nose against my neck "But you smell good. You're also warm."I rolled my eyes trying to shove his arms off. "Why are you so fucking strong!" He smirked into my skin and kissed my shoulder."Because I have to be strong to protect you." I huffed "Oh yes my brave strong knight. Just let me go get changed!" He released me and I bolted to my room slamming the door shut. I groaned slamming my head against the wall. I guess it full on charm now huh? I feel more like he is a closet pervert than charming.

When I left my bedroom I headed down to the kitchen and sat next to the table. Itachi smiled down at me placing a plate on the table. "Is it poisoned?" He chuckled and picked up some of the egg eating it.I glared and grabbed my chopsticks beginning to eat. He sat down across from me watching. "What do you want?" He chuckled leaning forward resting his chin on his hand. "I want to take you on a date" I coughed staring at him "Uh no? You weaseled your way into my home, almost saw me naked, and now your feeding me food that could be poison. Why would I go on a date with you?" He smirked and grabbed another piece of egg off my plate. "My name means weasel you know, it's in my nature to as you say weasel my way into your home, possibly even your heart." I rolled my eyes sitting back against the chair. "If that wasn't the most crappy pick up line ever I don't know what is." He chuckled and stood up walking over to me, he than bent down sitting on his knees and grabbed my hands"You talk as if you have been hit on before." I rolled my eyes again "Duh it was once, It should come as no surprise to you but Hidan did. Man that guy can not flirt." He rolled his eyes this time and leaned forward closer to my face. "If he ever does that again let me know" I scoffed and took back one of my hands to flick his forehead.

"Maybe I like it when guys flirt with me. Because of you and Sasuke guys don't even come near me, unless they were friends before I started puberty... wait a minute" He raised an eyebrow smirking "Did you intentionally scare away guys so I wouldn't get a boyfriend?" His smirk grew into a smile as he closed his eyes, I growled and stood up taking my other hand away from him. "Asshole! I actually liked this one guy but no he was to afraid to get near me, now I know it wasn't that I was creepy or weird it was you!" I jabbed him in the chest as he stood up. He looked down at me frowning, "(name)" I shook my head and shoved him "For years I thought I wasn't pretty enough,you know when I first started going to high school I wore make up half way through the year so someone would tell me I was cute. I never understood why guys hell even some girls avoided me. I haven't made a new friend since the last year of middle school and even then they stopped talking to me by sophomore year." He sighed and reached for my shoulder, I smacked his hand away glaring at him. "You have some nerve, Did you find it funny to isolate me? I hope your happy" I turned around and walked away slamming the door to my room once I reached it.

It was around six in the evening when I came out again, I was still angry but hunger was my main feeling. I needed food, when I rounded the doorway to the kitchen, Itachi was slumped over the table asleep.I scoffed at him and opened the cabinet grabbing some cereal, I slammed the box onto the counter and grabbed a bowl next as well as the milk. When I was done I stomped into the living room and turned on the TV. Flipping through the channels I found some stupid documentary about meerkats, deciding that was as good as it was going to get I watched. I felt a hand grab my shoulder within the first fifteen minutes of the show and screamed throwing my bowl and it's contents on the ground. When I looked back Itachi stood there trying not to laugh. "Calm down it's just me" "So? I'm still mad at you" he sighed and walked around the couch to sit down next to me."Sasuke did it as well. He scared away any one who would try to talk to you." I blinked a few times trying to remember. My eyes widened "Oh my god like last year I was waiting for Naruto to leave detention so we could go and play at the arcade, This guy came up tome and said hi but Immediately turned around and ran when he went to shake my hand. I looked at Sasuke to see him glaring but I thought he was just being his usual douche self." I smacked my forehead groaning. "How could I be so stupid!" 

He chuckled and placed his hand on my head to which I smacked away. "Do you not realize all the horrible self-image issues I went through because I thought no one liked me? Hell ask Hinata she knows all about it, Itachi seriously what you guys did was bad, even if you stop now no one is going to want me." He sighed and grabbed me, making sure not to grip to tightly he pulled me into his chest hugging me tightly. I struggled against him trying to shove him away but his grip only tightened more. "I want you" I rolled my eyes and shoved him again hard, he grunted slightly "I do, I love you" I scoffed"Yeah yeah you love me, but I am nothing but a little sister who you want to tease, Seriously why the hell else would you force me into that position the other day? You have some weird complex about me being your sister." He growled slightly and let me go from the hug only to push me over on the couch. "No I love you! Not as a sister, not as a friend, I love you as in I find you attractive, I want to claim you as my own, hide you away in a cave so no other man can see you. I want to make you scream in pleasure at my touch, I want to be the only man that will ever see your exposed body, I want you to be the only woman I ever want or need, the only woman who can make me blush and act without thinking." I blushed trying to get out from under him as his piercing gaze stared straight into my own eyes. "I want you, I love you so much that I would take a bullet for you. I would give up my life just to see you smile. This is not some stupid sister brother love nor is it a complex, I want to protect you, to love you, to see you happy and sad, I want it all"I stopped struggling and looked at him, his dark hair framing his face draping around us, His onyx eyes reflected his emotion his sincerity in his words. "Are you sure?" I bit back tears and breathed slowly watching his face turn from serious to gentle and caring. "Yes" He leaned down our noses touching gently .

"Itachi...I know about the arranged marriage between me and you plus Sasuke."He blinked a few times and pulled back still propping himself above me. "You know?" I nodded and frowned "Are you sure this love you feel for me is not just because it is something that you have confused yourself with because of the arrangement made by our parents?" He frowned, "I am sure. I have watched you grow up,from a spoiled little brat who tormented anyone to get what she wanted to a beautiful woman who is so stubborn and ruthless anyone would be a fool to resist her." I blushed and looked away pouting my lips. "Yeah well there is one more thing." He raised an eyebrow "Jiji knows about this deal we all have made, he added to the condition though." "What is it?" I sighed and looked back into his eyes "Whoever kisses me first also become my husband."His eyes widened as he pulled away to sit, I followed and watched his face, it went from shock to confusion to a cocky smirk "Than let me kiss you. I love you more than anything in the world and I will make you happy" I scoffed rolling my eyes "Nu uh, Sasuke needs to know too this is a fair fight you know" he chuckled and leaned forward planting his lips against my forehead. When he pulled away I looked at the floor. "I will call him and have him come over. In the meantime why don't you order something to eat and I will pay for it." I nodded and watched as he walked into the next room. I almost kissed him...Oh my god he sure is a sweet talker I even forgot I was mad at him. I sank into the couch covering my face whining. 

Annoying Brother (Modern! Sasuke X Reader X Itachi)Where stories live. Discover now