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The ride to school was quiet and rather boring. Both of them sat in the back whispering to one another. I yawned and parked getting out than walked into the school. The only time I see both of them is lunch.Which by the way is my favorite subject because there is no work to do. Just eat and talk. In first period I sit by Hinata who is my bestest best friend ever. She is so timid and cute I just want to put her in my purse. If she ever found out I thought like that I would die though. Then second I sit by the window with Shikamaru to my right. He never talks just sleeps. Third is spent by making Jokes with Kiba and by fourth I sit with Naruto helping him with math. Onto my beloved lunch which is usually spent avoiding everyone all together by hanging out in the student center. Onto sixth which is the last class of the day, I spend it sculpting with Deidara. Then onto home, with the annoying brothers. As I waited on my car for them time passed slowly. My phone vibrated and I looked at the text. Sasuke was stuck in a horde of fangirls. I laughed and texted back saying that he has two minutes to get here or I leave without him. Itachi texted right after that saying he would get a ride with Pein. I shrugged and got into my car starting it, Sasuke had a minute left.I saw him though running to the car, I smirked and put it in reverse backing out of the spot. I heard him yell and than he smacked the window. I stopped and let him in, he was huffing and trying to catch his breath. "That only took you a minute and thirty seconds. What did you do to distract the horde?" He glared and buckled up as I took off out of the school. "Thanks to you I had to throw one of my handkerchiefs to get them to run away." I nodded giggling. "Man you lucky dog. If I was you I would use every single one of them,food, drink, money, sex" he scoffed "Them ass and titties though""Oh god just shut up!" I laughed and glanced at him "What? I can't say ass and titties?" His face read disgust "Please stop saying it" I laughed harder and turned onto the street that leads directly to his home. "Boy she got one fine ass! But don't forget about them titties!" He growled out in annoyance. "Please shut up." I smirked "Oh but the best part is the vagina!" He groaned and sank in the seat "I do not want to hear about a vagina from you." I fake pouted "Aww has someone not had the talk yet?" He groaned again "You know when I was your age I did not run around flaunting what I had! Every young adult had decorum! You only did that in the sanctity of marriage before god!" Sasuke scoffed "We did not have to talk about a man's girth to show dominance nor how many women we had laid with." I laughed at his fake Madara voice"If I were you young man I would not show my junk out in public,those girl who adore you will have diseases! You will get sick and Die!" He chuckled "Don't forget young lady if you get pregnant you will die!" By the end of the drive we were laughing hard about mocking Madara it was great.

I parked the car and got out following him into his house. Madara stood there at the entrance glaring at us. "Where is Itachi?" I shrugged "Left his ass for the crows" Madara's glare only hardened "Don't get to cheeky" I rolled my eyes and kicked my shoes off again walking past him. Sasuke followed as we both went up to his room. "Do you think it is only him home?" Sasuke shrugged turning on his computer. "I wanna fuck with him. Sasuke lets make sex noises." He froze and looked at me, his face was slightly red and his mouth was hanging open. "What? We jump up and down on your bed making sure it hits the wall. What did you think?" I raised an eyebrow "Nothing" I nodded and hoped up onto his bed "Come on!He will be such a fool!" Sasuke shook his head and climbed up."Ready?" He nodded and we started jumping up and down, I grabbed his hands to steady myself, the bed squeaked horribly as it wobbled.I was laughing quietly and Sasuke had a smirk on his face. I heard heavy footsteps coming up the stairs as did Sasuke, we both shared a look and sped up jumping harder. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU TWO ARE DOING BEHIND A CLOSED DOOR!" Madara slammed the door open and when he saw us jumping his face went pale, mouth hanging open, and total shock all across his face. I couldn't hold it in any longer and I busted up laughing falling onto my ass. "Oh god your face!" was all I got out, Sasuke sat down on his bed with a smirk plastered on his face. "You two are the most childish young adults ever. Both of you get downstairs and sit seiza until I say stop." I rolled my eyes and left the room with Sasuke following.

We were sitting in the family room with Madara behind us, every time one of us would slouch he would hit our backs with a rolled up newspaper."Was it worth it?" Sasuke whispered to me. "Yeah" I was trying not to laugh again remembering Madara's shocked pale face. I failed and ended up laying down face first on the floor laughing hard. Madara was yelling at me to sit properly but I couldn't help it. Sasuke ended up falling backwards from laughing so hard. "If I had met you when I was your age I would have broken you of this spiteful devious acting. This is no way to be a lady!" Mikoto walked in and dropped her groceries onto the ground. "What is the world is going on?" Madara looked over at her glaring. "Proper discipline for two idiots!" I sat up crossing my legs and smiled at her. "Welcome home Mikoto ma" She smiled back looking at Sasuke,his hair was a mess, face red, and still chuckling. "What happened to make my Sasuke laugh?" I just giggled and Madara turned his head away. "Stuff ma just stuff" She looked confused and let it go "Sasuke help me with the groceries" he nodded and stood up helping her, once left alone Madara sat down next to me smirking."Make all the jokes you want little lady but you will be married into this family." I shrugged looking at him "Yeah but that doesn't mean I can't make your life a living hell for it. Also Sasuke and Itachi need to learn that not everything is handed to them so  until that day comes where I am forced to walk down the isle there lives will be hell." Madara patted my head and sighed "If only I was thirty years younger I would have loved to have tangled with you." I scrunched my nose up "Eww old man" He chuckled and shook his head, his dark hair flowing behind him "Not in that way you deplorable woman." I smiled at him "Well whatever I bet you were pretty handsome in your day. Probably beat both Sasuke and Itachi in their looks" He smirked the famous Uchiha smirk and nodded. I leaned forward and sighed "Honestly at least I have a choice between the two, but I don't know who to pick. Sasuke is to much of an ass, But Itachi is cynical. Both are charming in the face of others but behind closed doors they strike to kill." Madara placed his hand on my head "I don't want to marry if there is no love or fear of my life being taken. Oh also my mom or dad don't know I know. Can this be our little secret?" He grunted and I stood up removing his hand from my head. I looked down on him and smiled kissing the back of his hand. "Thank you Jiji" He smiled a small one but it was there. I walked away from him almost  to the kitchen to see what is being made for dinner when he opened his mouth again. "Oh little one, you do not have to fear for your life, both boys love you and would die for you." I turned around to look back "What did you say?" Madara glared at me "I said to quit fooling around and become a respected woman already!" I rolled my eyes and flipped him off smiling.

Annoying Brother (Modern! Sasuke X Reader X Itachi)Where stories live. Discover now