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I sat there in the living room of Mikoto's house. Shisui sat across the room talking with Itachi about what to do with Sasuke, basically what prank they should pull. My father and Fugaku were in the study discussing business plans, Sasuke had disappeared, and my mom was with Mikoto in the kitchen. Am I really going to kiss Shisui? Ugh I can do it, I need to prove a point. I rolled my eyes at myself standing up from the couch and moving to the kitchen. Mikoto was now placing strawberries on a cake she made. "Mikoto-Ma how long till dinner?" She looked back at me smiling, "Not long, I know this bet expires when everyone sits down to dinner and your mother ran me through what you are going to do. I plan on having everyone standing to give your father a toast to his new contract."

I nodded biting my bottom lip, "I am worried though, Sasuke has disappeared and Itachi is well a weasel." She laughed as my mom handed me a cup, "I sent Sasuke out to get some more strawberries, Itachi is being occupied by Shisui, you know how they get. Don't worry everything will work out." I nodded sitting down in the kitchen chair taking a sip of whatever my mom gave me. Once the taste hit my tongue I spit it back out, "What the hell is this?" She laughed holding her sides, "Vodka." I groaned placing the cup on the table, "Who gives their child alcohol?" She shrugged grabbing the cup from the table and drinking it. Mikoto finished the cake placing it on the table before turning back to the pot, stirring it gently, "I think I have outdone myself with this curry. Of course, there is a special seasoning in it too."

My eyebrow rose slightly as my mom chuckled. "The boys will be screaming with this you know." I nodded leaning against the back of the chair, "Mikoto-ma I..." She turned around pointing at the door as Sasuke walked in, "Sasuke please be a dear and go let everyone know dinner is ready." He looked annoyed briefly before passing by me. His eyes met mine before his hand patted my head leaving the room. "Mel grab the plates and help me serve, make sure the last three I give you have the bird pattern around the edges. Those are ours." I nodded helping her set up the table. My heart was in my throat as everyone stood around the giant table, "Now before everyone sits down I want to make a toast to Jun, congratulations on your work." Everyone raised their glass, and as they were doing that I walked over to Shisui and tapped his shoulder. He turned around smiling only to be caught off guard as my arms wrapped around his neck and I pulled him down kissing him. His lips were frozen against mine for a second before he kissed back.

I pulled away from him blushing, he on the other hand was just standing there confused, "What is the hell are you doing?" Fugaku yelled out, I swallowed the lump in my throat walking back over to my spot next to my mom. "Well, as you know, me and the boys have had a bet going on to see who I would marry. According to my contract it states I will marry an Uchiha but does not specify who. I have now made the bet and am following the terms of the contract. I will marry Shisui." I smirked right at Fugaku seeing his outraged face, Madara stood to his side smirking as well and my father looked like he wanted to melt into the ground. "You choose Shisui over me? Over us?" I looked to Sasuke and shrugged, "Why not? Both of you have treated me nicely but the only thing on your mind was getting me to marry you. Shisui on the other hand treated me like normal." A hand slammed on the table, "This is an outrage! You are so irresponsible and childish!" I crossed my arms over my chest, "No getting drunk and making a poor contract is childish." He glared at me, this glare that I had only ever seen him give a contact who failed.

"You will marry one of my sons!" I scoffed, "Nope according to the contract and the bet, I am now marrying Shisui." He on the other hand had shrank into the corner trying not to attract attention to his person. "In what world do you think that is okay? Do you have serious brain damage?" I sighed looking at my mom, she shrugged closing her eyes, "Annul the contract and I won't marry Shisui, all of this was started because of your drunken night. Do you have anything to add to it father?" I looked at my dad, his eyes wouldn't connect with mine as he tried to avoid the situation, Sasuke had sat down glaring at his plate, Itachi on the other hand simply chuckled watching as this all played out. "I will do no such thing! You will marry one of my sons." I shrugged walking away from the table, "In a court of law that contract is binding. Since I have kissed him, he is my betrothed. Your call old man."

I could feel everyone's eyes on my back as I walked to the front door. "Oh, one more thing, Shisui I like autumn, so I think we should get married then." Poor Shisui held his hands up in surrender as he tried to become one with the wall. "Father do you have anything to add to this?" Fugaku asked Madara, my hand lingered on the knob of the door awaiting his response. "She is doing everything that was asked of her. She followed your contract and the bet she made with the boys. She has out maneuvered you, this deplorable child, no woman has defeated you." I smiled feeling proud of myself, "Dammit! Fine, the contract is null and void." I turned back around smiling at him, "I want to see you destroy it. My life is what I choose, who I marry is my choice. I don't want you to simply say it is over to only go behind my back and force it upon me." Fugaku scowled, his glare sent a shiver down my spine as Mikoto brought a thick bundle of papers over to him. "You too? You were in on this?" Mikoto nodded handing him the papers, "Destroy them" Sasuke's mouth was hanging open in shock, Itachi on the other hand seemed not phased at all.

Fugaku slowly grabbed the papers from her and ripped it in half, the sound of paper shredding echoed through the silent house. After it was ripped we stood in silence all looking around at one another, "We will eat now!" Fugaku spoke again sitting down, I walked back to the table and sat between my mom and dad. An awkward silence fell over us until Madara started to laugh. It was as if he couldn't control it, his laughter kept coming loudly at that too. "You young woman have outnumbered all of the Uchiha men. I feel bad for the poor soul who you do decide to marry." I smiled at him shrugging my shoulders, during dinner I avoided looking at both of Itachi and Sasuke. Afterwards I helped clean up the dishes and walked into the living room. My father was sitting on the couch with his head in his hands. Shisui had disappeared along with Itachi, Sasuke on the other hand sat on the stairs watching me as I moved alone the house.

"Daddy?" He looked up shocked, his eyes held a gentleness to them I had forgotten about. "Are you mad at me?" He smiled standing up and grabbing me, his arms wrapped around my body pulling me into a tight hug. "I am not mad at you, I am proud of you. I have raised such a wonderfully strong daughter, and in all honesty, I expected this to happen. Your mother was never fond of my stupid actions." I nodded hugging him back, when he pulled away his face looked disturbed. "What's wrong?" He shook his head biting his bottom lip before running out of the room. I heard Sasuke groan before the sound of his feet echoed as he ran up the stairs. "That hit them later than expected." I turned around to see Mikoto chuckling, she hid her smile behind her hand. "You actually did it. I am impressed." My mom leaned against the wall smirking at her friend. "Welcome to the dark side Mikoto-ma." She nodded to me in response before my mother and I left.

Three months have passed since that day, in those three months I have become somewhat of a bossy pants. Itachi and Sasuke still both hung out with me, and occasionally I would allow one of them to take me out on a date. Fugaku eventually got over what I did to him, and even said that I had the makings of a proper CEO. Madara on the other hand showed me signs of respect, no longer calling me a deplorable woman. I nodded to myself in the mirror thinking over everything that had happened. My father leaned against the door frame of my room watching as I got ready for my cousins wedding. "I still can't believe Mikoto allowed you to wear her kimono." I smiled looking back at him, "Don't you know by now I really will marry one of them. Just on my own time."

The doorbell rang loudly as he chuckled, "Well it seems your husband to be is here." I blushed shaking my head, "Dad! Were just dating, although I wouldn't be opposed to it." He chuckled holding his arm out for me as we walked through the house. My mother was standing next to my date in the living room, and he looked rather charming in his suit. "Are you ready to go?" his voice sent a chill down my spine as I nodded replacing my father's arm with his. "Oh yeah, I still say I will upstage the midget." Laughter echoed throughout the house as we left to go to the ceremony.

Annoying Brother (Modern! Sasuke X Reader X Itachi)Where stories live. Discover now