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I sighed sitting next to Hinata, it was now Wednesday and after yesterdays events of almost kissing both Itachi and Sasuke I felt so weird. I mean I know they have until Friday but still, both of them put on the charm as soon as the deal was made. "So why did you make this deal with them?" I blinked a few times looking over at Hinata who was laying on her bed staring at her clock, her voice barely above a whisper. "Well mainly because I wasn't thinking, I will marry one of them as requested by my parents but I feel suffocated now. Its only been like two days!" I fell onto my back staring up at her ceiling, she sighed softly shifting slightly on the bed. "Well, Naruto made a bet with the boys on who you will kiss first. Most of them said Sasuke"

I rolled my eyes looking over at her. "Seriously?" She nodded causing me to groan again. "I swear boys are idiots." She nodded stretching out, her arms covering her eyes. "Let me tell you, if by Friday they still have not kissed me I will just take you to the wedding and my family can think I am a lesbian. I do not care." Hinata giggled softly before looking at the clock, "It is noon and I have to go do some things with my family. You can stay here if you want." I bit my lip thinking it over for a moment. "Nah I will go bother Madarajiji." She nodded watching me stand up and leave. "Have fun" I rolled my eyes walking out of her manor. On the way out I waved at Neji before exiting through the large gates. I could hear birds chirping in the air as they flew by, not that it is important but it is nice sounding. Lost in thought I traveled down the streets, it was a nice spring day in any event. As I walked one thought kept coming up, why are both of them okay with marrying me? I sighed out in frustration accidentally bumping into someone.

I rubbed my nose looking up apologizing. The person smiled patting my head, "It's okay. You really should watch where you are going though." I nodded smiling before frowning. Standing in front of me was my enemy, Kakashi Hatake. I glared at him briefly, "Oh, it's you. Never mind ignore my apology." I stepped around him going to walk away when he grabbed my wrist. I looked at him glaring "Let me go" he sighed his one visible eye closed. "No, you will talk to me. As your sensei, I have a right to know why you hate me." I groaned trying to get my wrist from his grasp. "You should already know. I don't have time to talk to you anyway." He chuckled rubbing the back of his neck before pulling me along with him. We had walked a while before he stopped, my eyes looked up at the plain brown building scowling.

"Where are we?" He looked back at me before walking up the stairs. "This is where I live." I glared harder at him as he unlocked his door and pulled me inside. "You can talk here without the fear of onlookers. Now tell me why do you hate me?" I groaned getting my wrist free and sitting on his couch. He joined me on the couch looking at me intently. "I hate you because you always see through me. Whenever I felt like I wasn't enough you were there to feed me bullshit, and I hate you for it because I was stupid enough to believe you." He chuckled placing his hand on my head. "That is the stupidest reason I have ever heard for ever hating someone." I scoffed slapping his hand away, "Well I guess I am stupid then." He sighed out relaxing into his couch, "You are. As your Sensei, I have never seen a more stubborn or pig headed girl." My mouth hung open in disbelief. He chuckled again closing my mouth with his hand. "(name) shut your mouth before you catch flies. I say this in a good way not with ill intention. I want to see you become something great and if hating me helps you so be it."

I sighed through my nose relaxing into the couch as well. "Yeah well the only thing I am becoming is a wife and mother. Didn't you know I am betrothed to both Sasuke and Itachi. In three years time I will probably have two kids and nothing else." Kakashi leaned over looking me in the eyes, "So just don't marry them" I rolled mine pushing him back slightly "I will do what my parents ask of me. I am not someone who can just cast them aside." It looked as if he was smiling under his mask. "Well if you choose to follow what they want so be it. You can always find a way to postpone what others want to get what you want." I nodded huffing before looking back at him. "You're okay." He mocked shocked as his hand rested on his chest, "My one of my students told me I was okay." I rolled my eyes shoving him over, "Asshole!" He chuckled underneath me, "I could get you suspended for attacking a teacher." His eye red mischief as I laughed.

"Whatever, you know you like it. I've seen the books you read and it wouldn't surprise me if you have enacted a few of them with your lovers." He laughed sitting up and grabbing my hand. "I'll treat you to some ramen." I rolled my eyes following him again out of his apartment. "So you don't deny it." He chuckled shaking his head as we walked to the stall. Dinner consisted of us cracking bad jokes at one another and him walking me home. At the door he patted my head again, "Remember you can do anything." I rolled my eyes again sticking my tongue out at him before entering my house. Once inside I laid on the couch looking at the wall. He's not so bad of a teacher... but I still hate him kinda. I chuckled to myself as the front door opened. Sitting up I could see my mom come in with Itachi behind her carrying some bags. She looked at me and smiled before disappearing in the kitchen.

Itachi had followed her only to come back out. His eyes looked me over before he sat down on the chair. "What have you been doing today?" I shrugged at his voice looking at my phone. "Hanging out." He grunted in response. "You?" I heard him shift, "Busy, mainly dealing with Deidara and Kisame." I nodded responding to a text, before my phone was taken from my hands. Itachi was standing in front of me scowling. "Dude that's my phone." He raised an eyebrow looking at the phone then me before tossing it to the side. My eyes widened as I looked at him. "What in the hell do you think you are doing?" He chuckled sitting next to me grabbing my face. "Wanting your attention. I have had a very long day and seeing you makes me happy." I rolled my eyes flicking his forehead. "If my phone broke you are buying me a new one." He smirked nodding before moving his hand from my face.

"So, your going for your masters right? Are you going to change school or stick with Konoha?" He hmmed for a moment before closing his eyes. "I will stay, what about you?" I scrunched my nose glaring at the wall. "Hinata and I were talking about going into the same major, probably communications." He nodded before opening his eyes, "What about not continuing school?" I scowled "Right so I can spawn little devils?" He chuckled leaning forward poking my forehead, "Yes to spawn our little devils. Or to simply travel, you always said you wanted to visit Spain." I nodded rolling my eyes "Who says they will be your spawn? Could be Sasuke's too." He glared at me slightly, "I won't allow that. My little brother is nothing compared to me." I laughed covering my mouth with my hands. "Right okay, honestly both of you suck. Kakashi on the other hand, hmm maybe I should ask him to be with me after I graduate."

Itachi scowled moving closer to me. "He is more than half your age. Why would you be interested in him?" I shrugged smirking slightly, "Maybe because he already has his life figured out, plus I heard he is wild in bed." How long until he snaps? I looked at his face studying the lines that were forming on his forehead. "My life is figured out all that is missing is you. As for being wild in bed well you will just have to see." His face was close to mine as he started to whisper, "I can have you begging for me to stop. The pleasure you would feel would be inexpressible by words." I blushed looking at the floor turning my head away from his. He gently grabbed my chin turning my face to his. "Of course, this could all happen now if you simply let me kiss you." I bit my lip looking into his eyes, it's only Wednesday so... I don't know.

I pulled away from him sinking further into the couch. "Itachi, I...." He chuckled leaning forward, his hands on either side of my head. "It's simple you know. Just let it happen and everything else will fall into place." I looked into his dark eyes blushing slightly, he looked back into my own. Seconds turned to minutes as we stared at one another, nothing but our breathing and my pulse could be heard. Well that was until the sound of a shattering plate was heard. I shot up off the couch fast, my forehead colliding with his as we both fell onto the floor. "Mom you okay?" I shouted from my place sitting up rubbing my head. Itachi groaned under me holding his forehead as well. "I'm fine sweetie! The plate slipped from my hand." I sighed out looking down at him, "Itachi as I have told Sasuke and you before I do not know who to choose. I don't even know if I have any feelings of love towards either of you."

He glared up at me before smirking, "Then allow me to take you on a date tomorrow night." I huffed out but nodded getting off him. "Fine, but Sasuke will take me on a date for lunch. It is only fair." He nodded standing up next to me. "There is only two days left you know. Regardless of who kisses you or not a decision must be made." I glared at him nodding. "I know." He nodded walking off to the kitchen leaving me alone in the living room. Well I guess it's all coming down to the wire now.

Annoying Brother (Modern! Sasuke X Reader X Itachi)Where stories live. Discover now