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Atdinner Itachi had finally made it home, My mother had come as well bringing a cake. I have no idea why a cake but she did. My father was away on a business trip today, so for a week it would just be me and my mom. Today's meal was katsudon, miso soup, and a side of rice.Five minutes into eating and Itachi spoke up. "So (name) you left me at school today." I raised an eyebrow "Huh? No you texted me saying you would get a ride from Pein" He sighed "No I did not"I rolled my eyes "Yes you did. I have the text to prove it." He scowled and became quiet. Mikoto cleared her throat "(Name) have you found anyone you like?" I blinked a few times looking around the table, Madara was smirking, Fugaku was staring at me intently,both Sasuke and Itachi were staring at the food, and my mom was practically leaning into me. I sighed "Well I did not want to bring this up but yeah maybe. We have a date on friday." Mikoto gasped and Sasuke choked on his rice. "(Name ) were you going to tell me about this?" I looked at my mother and shrugged "Oh yes, He is a very sweet boy too if you can get past the tattoo's, and maybe the piercings." My mother looked as if she was in shock, Fugaku started to cough from swallowing his food the wrong way, Mikoto gasped covering her mouth with her hand. Itachi's eyes had widened and were focused on me, Sasuke still stared at the food, Madara on the other hand leaned forward smirking. "He also has a bit of a past but he has reformed. We are nothing if not forgiving creatures." "Please go on, tell us more about this boy you like" Madara's smirked widened and I smiled at him "If you must know he was recently released from the hospital from a drug addiction, but he has come along way since then. He also is a bit older than me but not by much,he would make the perfect father to, the way he cares for little children is so adorable. They run away screaming at first but once he catches them they all love him." I was trying so hard not to laugh or smile to awkwardly. "(Name) why in the world would you like someone like that?" Fugaku spoke up and I blinked a few times "Well I mean I don't really have a choice, In six months our baby will be brought into this world." "(NAME)!" I looked over at my mother,her face was pale as if she was on her last breath. Sasuke had looked up shocked and Itachi was about to break his chopsticks. "Please tell me this isn't true." I looked over at Mikoto who had her hand on mine. "Well I mean life makes things difficult so you have to make the best of it. He says we should get married before the baby is born, I agree too so in three months please accept a formal invitation." I smiled again tilting my head to the side. "I will not allow this!" Fugaku stood up slamming his hands onto the table."It's not really your choice, I can marry or sleep with whoever I want. Even if he was just made up." "I will not allow you the daughter of Junichiro, my business partner to screw her life up with some scumbag who... is made up?" I couldn't hold it anymore and busted up laughing. Madara had leaned back in his chair laughing as well, my mother sighed in relief as did everyone else.

"I can't believe you would do something like that to us!" Mikoto stated after coming down off the shock. "Jiji got it. Hell he even went along with it." Madara was still chuckling to himself, Itachi placed his chopsticks on the table "Excuse me" With that he got up and walked away. We all resumed our eating quietly after that. I helped out with dishes and laughed as Mikoto lectured me about my whole little shenanigan during dinner. "Please go tell Itachi it is time for cake." I nodded and headed up the stairs to his room. I didn't even bother knocking and walked right in flopping onto his bed. "Itachi it's cake time. Mikoto ma wants you downstairs." he only grunted in response and I turned onto my side looking at him."What's wrong Ita?" He looked over at me scowling "What you did at dinner was not funny." My eyebrows knitted together and I frowned. "Do you really think I would be an idiot and sleep with some loser like that?" He sighed and stood up walking over to me."I don't know. All I thought during that was I would have had to kill him. That sort of man would have used you, hurt you, and possibly killed you." I rolled my eyes "Dude I could defend myself, plus I would never be in that situation to begin with. If I didn't like what was going on I would stop it immediately." He sighed and shook his head as I stood up. "I seriously would Itachi!I'm not weak and if that whole stunt put you in a bad mood than you really don't know me." He glared "I do know you, you leave too many open spots, if someone were to attack you and rape you they could do it in a heartbeat." I got in his face glaring into his eyes. "I do not! You know nothing! I can defend myself just fine!"he raised an eyebrow and reached for my arm. I swatted his hand away and rolled my eyes stepping away from him"Don't touch me!" He walked forward trapping me between the bed and himself, I shoved his chest trying to get him to back off but he wouldn't. He moved so fast I could barely blink, He had grabbed my left arm twisting it behind my back, turned me around and had both hands pinned to me. He than shoved me down so I was bent across the bed stuck. "Tell me, if I could do this easily to you why couldn't someone else?" I gasped in shock "Itachi this isn't funny. Let me go!" He tightened his grip and leaned into me. "Tell me how could you not get raped in this situation? Your so good at defending yourself" I bit back tears frowning "Let me go!" He had both of my hands in his one, his other hand traveled down my side tugging at my uniform skirt. "Tell me (Name), what would you do?" I struggled under him as he leaned over more biting the shell of my ear, his hand was at the hem of my skirt, his fingers tracing my thigh. "You can't defend yourself, I could do anything I wanted with you in this situation and You could not stop it." his voice was a whisper as he licked from my ear to my neck. Tears were falling from my eyes now "Let go please!" he chuckled and bit softly where my jaw ended and neck began. His fingers now traced the elastic of my panties. "Itachi this isn't fun! Please stop now!" I was sobbing, my body shaking. "You see you can't defend yourself at all. That little story you told is an exact scenario of what could happen. You're to defenseless and open."I shook my head as his fingers slipped past the elastic siding and he cupped my ass in his hand. "Ita-chi!" I whimpered out closing my eyes tightly as more tears spilled out. He moved forward again back to my ear and blew on it gently "There are sick men out there who would enjoy doing this to your body. Men who would love to break you,take your innocence. Even some who would sell you over and over again just for the money not caring how many times you got sick, beaten, or pregnant." I bit my bottom lip trying not to scream out. 

He went to kiss my cheek and I lifted my head fast, it collided with his and he grunted in pain, his grip loosened enough I could get one hand free and I reached back grabbing his long hair and tugging. He hissed in shock and pain letting me go completely. I turned around and slapped him across the face hard. "You asshole!" Tears literally poured out of my eyes as I stood there shaking. He brought a hand up to his face covering the smack mark. "Are you scared? Good! Be scared these things happen!" I collapsed onto the ground shaking and crying. "You asshole. How could you do that?" He sat down next tome and patted my head. "To teach you a lesson. You got out of it but if it was anyone else you would have been raped. I stopped short of doing anything actually harmful to you." I glared at him wiping the snot with my sleeve. "Just because of some stupid story I made up?" He leaned over and pulled me into his lap, I struggled to get out of it but he held me tightly. "Calm down now. I wont do it again I promise." I shook in his arms and hiccuped. "How could you do that to me?" he sighed and held me tighter "I wont do it again. It was to teach you a lesson. Do you understand the reality of the situation you made up?" I shook my head "it was a stupid story, I never said I was raped." He started to rock back and forth. "No but the man you described is exactly someone who would do that. Never trust people so openhearted. They will hurt you. " I nodded still crying but all the tears and mental exhaustion set in and I fell asleep in his embrace.

Annoying Brother (Modern! Sasuke X Reader X Itachi)Where stories live. Discover now