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The next afternoon Sasuke had knocked on my door, he stood there awkwardly holding some flowers looking at the ground. "Hey Sasuke, wanna come in?" His eyes met mine before he nodded walking past me. I closed the door behind him watching as he took his shoes off before going into the kitchen. My mother stood there watching us as I walked in. "So, you two are going on a date?" My face erupted into various shades of red at my mother's words. Sasuke stood there mouth agape as he tried to string together a sentence. Finally, he just shoved the flowers into my mom's arms before turning around and grabbing my arm to drag me away. Once outside he grabbed my hand interlocking his fingers in mine.

I looked forward watching as the leaves swayed in the wind. "(name), I just want to say thanks, you know for having Itachi play fair." I rolled my eyes sighing, "Look your brother is very nice but I know he is conniving. He will take any opportunity, any advantage, any slight hint of submissiveness to get what he wants. I know you are the same but the difference is you actually give a chance for the other to react." I heard him make the famous Uchiha 'Hn' before we fell back in silence. His hand gently squeezed mine as we made our way through town. "Sasuke, where are you taking me?" His onyx eyes looked in mine for a second before a smirk played out on his face, "Well it is a place we used to visit frequently." My eyebrows furrowed thinking of all the places we had been before we stopped in front of a building. My eyes lit up as the neon green sign before me flashed.

"You didn't?" I heard him chuckle before he took his hand away from mine opening the door. "Welcome to the place you said you would live in." I smiled brightly before running passed him, the smell of cheese pizza and annoying sirens, gun shots, and mechanical whirring overloaded my senses. "Sasuke I can't believe you would bring me here on a date!" He walked past me placing some money on the counter in exchange for tokens. "Why wouldn't I? Taito is one of your favorite places." I laughed nodding, his hand grabbed mine as we walked to the back of the arcade. As we played through various fighting, shooting, and racing games his eyes would meet mine. We would share a smile before continuing our journey. Sometimes around two we had called off our gaming for some pizza.

Sitting among the booths my eyes scanned over his face. You know, when he is not being a douche he is quite handsome. His eyes met mine before he opened his mouth. "Admit it." I shook my head not understanding, "Admit what?" He smirked placing his arm on the table, "You want me to kiss you." The smile I was previously wearing fell as I sighed. "Sasuke... no not after that comment I don't" His smirk fell from his face as he ran his hands through his hair. "Look all I am saying is that you should choose me, I know you better than Itachi. We have more history together and we both know the other very well." I looked down at the table, "Yeah but we also have a history of getting into nasty fights. Remember last year, I almost broke your nose." He scowled staring at me, my eyes met his as his hand grabbed mine. "Yeah, I know, but we can work on that. In all honesty, we only fight because I don't listen and push you past your breaking point."

I sighed again squeezing his hand slightly, "Tell me, suppose we do get married okay?" He nodded "What then? Can I go to school and get a degree? Can I get a job and begin working? Or do you want me to be home making you dinner and possibly pregnant?" His face flushed slightly as his hand tightened around my own. "I want a family but not right away. We both should go to college and grow a little more before having a child, or more. Maybe start off with a puppy?" I smiled laughing softly. "A puppy sounds great! I can tell you have put some thought into this, but what about if I want to travel?" His eyebrow raised slightly before a small smile played on his lips, "Then travel. I am not going to stop you; the only stipulation I have is please can we try to start having a family by the time we turn twenty-six?" I pondered for a moment thinking over the reasoning and shrugged. "I don't see why not? I mean in this hypothetical world were talking about it sounds reasonable." His small smile turned into a larger one before it disappeared completely. "I have to get you home now." I nodded standing up from the booth, his hand grabbed mine as we walked back to my place.

Annoying Brother (Modern! Sasuke X Reader X Itachi)Where stories live. Discover now