Empty House Of Coldness

21 6 3

I'm so sick of coming home to an empty house
Cold and lifeless
I'm so sick of feeling empty
Like a once full beer bottle
I just want them to stop
I want to feel warm
But the coldness is encasing me
Numbing me to my core
I get jealous of others
Cause they have a sun
But sometimes there's an eclipse.
And my sun disappears
And the coldness seeps back in
Greeting me like an old friend
Welcoming me back
And with every eclipse
It's gets harder to de-thaw
And the icy cold hand gets closer to my heart
And one day it will get there and I don't know what I will do cause I'll be alone
By myself
In this empty house
Crying on the floor
Because my sun would of exploded shattering what little happiness I had.

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