Chapter 4
(Demi's POV)
It was the sweetest thing anyone's ever done for me.. She put her guitar down and got on her knees and leaned down to me as I was smiling at the ground, she lifted my chin with her thumb and kissed me, I've only had 2 boyfriends and when we kissed it's never felt like this. This felt good, it wasn't rushed or heated it was perfect, and as we sat there she pulled away but not forgetting to kiss my nose causing me to giggle, she smiled and sat back down, we continued to eat the picnic then afterwards she put everything up and stood, I took the hand she had out for me and stood up as well, we walked to her car and she put everything up then put a large blanket and pillows out in the middle of the soft green grass, I smiled and she took my hand and we lay back and watch the sunset.. I feel like I've known her for years. "So are you like this with all girls on the second date?" I ask breaking the silence "no. But your different" god that accent.. Just turns me o- no no demi you can't think that, your pure "oh" "a good different, your not all over me and stuff like other girls" "I won't be all over you because I am pure and pure I will stay until marriage" "well... I could change that ;)" she leaned in but I put my hand on her chest which feels really hard and chiseled "haha very funny but your not getting any" "oh I always get my way love" she went strait for my neck, sending me in a world of bliss, I tugged her hair getting a throaty groan but then felt a hand slide up my side and grasp my left breast, I gasp, no ones ever touched me like this, she took the advantage and slid her tongue in my mouth, our tongues danced together for a while then she backed away and kissed my forehead and rubbed her nose across mine, she kissed me one last time but when she backed away she tugged at my bottom lip, I smiled and pushed her back but she was between my legs and pulled me with her and I followed with my legs landing on each side of her "I never mind a girl on top ;)" I chuckled and leaned down so my hair fell over us and kissed her lightly, we did make out for about an hour and she respected me and didn't try to get any farther than the base she was at but I wanted her to stay tonight, she makes me feel safe..
(Sydnees POV)
I didn't want to go any farther with her, I respect her and don't want to pressure her into anything but I have to admit, second base was so worth it, she's so perfect in my eyes, her boobs are amazing but that's besides the point, her body in General is wonderful and I want her to see it, we pulled up to her house and I once again walked her to the door, before I walked back I heard a soft voice "stay please?" I turn around and see something in he eyes I've never noticed it's like she wants me to know something "your mom won't mind?" "She's out for the next two weeks" "are you sure it's okay?" "Positive now come" she grabs my hand entwining our fingers and walks inside, I lock the door behind us and we go up to her room, she sits on her bed and I follow in suite, "what's on your mind beautiful?" I ask looking into her eyes "I need you to know why I'm not like other girls" I nod "I've been bullied most my life and been ashamed of my body because of it, I- I cut and have an ed" I don't understand how someone could make such a wonderful, beautiful girl and make her want to hurt herself.. I can't say much so instead I kiss her, I lean our heads together and whisper "their wrong, your perfect in my eyes, believe me, I'm gonna help you love, beautiful girls like yourself don't deserve that" she lets a tear fall and I wipe it with my thumb "how about you change and I go downstairs and make us some hot chocolate?" She smiles and nods, I go down and make it when I come back up I see her in her black bra and matching panties standing infront of her mirror..