Painful Decisions

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Life is filled with somethings that we always regret, known as decisions.
It's vision is fantasy and reality collisions.
It feels as if people are separated upon their views, into freaking divisions.
But it's hard to write when the past can't have any sort of revision.

So, you wake up every morning not caring and just an honest mess
You just look into the mirror, unable to commit to convalesce
But you look at yourself, knowing that you have to impress people to just get in the process of success.
People want happy, but it's just so hard everyday to express it, even when it is egress

My mind is starting to take over, as my own reflection starts to crossover.
It says with a crooked smile," what's wrong Mr. Genius, tell me all the answers of a holdover.
Just look at yourself, you're just a leftover whose just a pushover.
What caused this pitiful changeover? Is the past just so painful you have a mask takeover.
Already in a mass aggression, I punch into the mirror, not caring my hand was bleeding.
My body wouldn't move, it was like it was impeding.
I felt like conceding, just to be acceding.
But now I can move again, so I was proceeding to school, as I was withdrawn and receding.

I feel weak for just running away from my problems when I know people have it worse.
You could say it's a curse than we live with till we are carried away by a hearse.
As everything you need is adverse.
It's just getting harder to converse.

But even in the confusion, I found a conclusion.
My past makes me "me" even though I love seclusion, I will make a collusion.
I shall help everyone who shares the same pain even with the mass confusion.
Because supporting should start with inclusion.

That is where I get my joys.
Molding bonds and relationships like alloys.
To make sure everyone increases their poise.
Because laughter is still louder than white noise.

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