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First Verse:

My nerves are causing me to be tripping on sharp curves.
People will say that is absurd which at one point I concurred because I was thinking with my own bad habits of being minimalistic and simplistic if my heart isn't in it.
Things not going your way? Find something that gets you happy even if everyone else views it as crappy.
Sure maybe cliche, but hey, it's better than having a mayday while driving down the highway because you want to replay today when choices led you astray down a path of dismay.
But you got to keep moving forward, no sense in backing down just to have the weight of your problems crush you to point you break down without a sound, things are bound to change before you reach the ground.
In that way, I am proud to know people that get right back into the action after any other transection even hit with an intersection.
Life sucks, there is no doubt about it, I could shout to the boundless stars in every direction.


I was so blind I might as well learned brail because things started to derail.
We all have those moments of vulnerability and being frail, forcing ourselves into a corner of own little cell in hell.
But don't worry, where we fail is also where we succeed if we learn.
But we need to not walk in pain, but to dance in the rain like we got something to gain from the whole disdain of those above.
But don't be so bold to catch a cold, just wanting to make sure you're told.

Second Verse:

Taking punches by the bunches back and forth, of course I don't fight back, I just go with the flow and prepare for each blow like I know the rhythm that cynicism hits me with.
I guess you could say I got the type of will still strong as steel that can stop a hilltop spill of problems for others, my strength only goes to great length when helping others with what bothers them, otherwise it's misused.
That is my own purpose to find that humanistic way of thinking because it is that optimistic approach that can see the positive characteristic in even the worst of people.
That is the importance of being supportive of each other when there is an enormous disturbance to the inner flow that causes a discordance.
No need to be like a door mat that is dormant with people walking all over you while you struggle against determent on that requirement.
In the end, you just need to live a life to the fullest even when you see you're not the coolest, but the sheer enjoyment of life is worth the eternal dullest end that every story of itself.

Chorus Again:

(Hello everyone, well it seems things have turned for the best since we finally determined what was causing my health issues wasn't the worst case scenario. So, that's'd think that since this isn't like face to face interactions within conversing, it would be a bit less awkward with the execution of these little "know what's going on in my life" sort of after notes. But it is for some odd reason, anyways, my stuff is commencing once again until something else goes on.)

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