Every Day Better

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Grades dropping, my mind is stopping and hopping on another train.
Because it doesn't want to keep around when continuing to look at the ground not wanting to stick here for the rain just to be drowned.
I guess things are bound to change when every day gets a bit better like an abettor being nearby.
Just got to keep going, glowing with radiance when I am still growing!

First Verse:

There are terrible days that are somewhat bearable and in the future they're laughable.
But living for the moment is torment, living in the future is daydreaming that keeps seaming what we keep deeming perfect.
Even though perfect is what we want in our electrical circuit that charges our pursuit to attribute for a society that needs every gear.
Don't worry, I am not going to convolute this, just going to be digging up the root of problems.
It is hard to solve them that way as is because you need that before cutting the stem like a gem, keeping the things that are pivotal and critical.
Doesn't matter what helps you, Biblical miracle or physical visual, hell even lyrical.
Just do what you do to get every day better.
That is the words of truth, I don't honestly believe the word fate hold us down, because I can debate if we was to stop complaining about everything that is straining and start training, maybe we'd better.
We might not make a big splash, get a lot of cash, or even stain the trash they call history.
But we can live our lives like we are at the top, so we can't stop because everyday we are getting better.


Grades dropping, my mind is stopping and hopping on another train.
Because it doesn't want to keep around when continuing to look at the ground not wanting to stick here for the rain just to be drowned.
I guess things are bound to change when every day gets a bit better like an abettor being nearby.
Just got to keep going, glowing with radiance when I am still growing!

Second Verse:

This is all a way that I vent, so I can prevent a future that is unavoidable just to represent those unfavorable people that think the same.
But let's make a descent hell bent on telling what I meant when I circumvent this about the scent of lament that we smell ever so frequent, I resent the present just as much as the discontent future, but you know what they say about we reinvent within any event.
Stop limping while gripping your hand to the point you're bleeding, because that leads to a bunch of tripping and slipping onto the ground.
Man, I outwit any other misfit because I didn't permit myself to fall under in the part as that truly matter, I had to commit to the outfit.
But you know what, everyday I fit every letter of an abetter cheering on the barretter instead of a debtor.


Grades dropping, my mind is stopping and hopping on another train.
Because it doesn't want to keep around when continuing to look at the ground not wanting to stick here for the rain just to be drowned.
I guess things are bound to change when every day gets a bit better like an abettor being nearby.
Just got to keep going, glowing with radiance when I am still growing!

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