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Many a night I cannot keep deep sleep just laying in bed trying to count sheep.
As a steep heap of problems keep on seeping into my mind while trying to keep an upkeep within one sweep.
But I'll be honest when I have a problem, the wear and tear I swear is only coming from being always tired.
I keep fired and wired up trying to keep up with what is desired and inspired without shedding one thought of what is required.
But the despairing feelings I have been bearing are daring when I utter when I am caring.

First Verse:

I don't care too much about sharing, but I rather not be sparing the truth.
Back in the days of my youth, I can guarantee I wasn't much of a sleuth when lies were told tooth for tooth, saying what they said was of Ruth before going going to the confession booth.
Yeah, it was like that, making only confusion on one's delusion.
That is when I was dead set on regret you better bet, I felt in debt before the concept of money with no way of changing the bleak pallet.
So, I lived in an infinite regression of depression and aggression, having an obsession to video games and literature with accession.
I went day by day, just going with the disturbing flow with nothing to say.
As the more innocent me who believed the opposite was killed and tossed away with the sway of the new who knew what was wrong and what is right.
Even when I can be wrong in other's eyes, I know I mean right, right?
There is different views in this world, but ignorance for sure bliss, so we dismiss.
Yeah, so I learned to keep the flame burning with a yearning to keep learning.
It continues to sear ever through the nights of no sleep!


Many a night I cannot keep deep sleep just laying in bed trying to count sheep.
As a steep heap of problems keep on seeping into my mind while trying to keep an upkeep within one sweep.
But I'll be honest when I have a problem, the wear and tear I swear is only coming from being always tired.
I keep fired and wired up trying to keep up with what is desired and inspired without shedding one thought of what is required.
But the despairing feelings I have been bearing are daring when I utter when I am caring.

Second Verse:

10 years later, I changed for the better actually showing more effort, getting more eager and clever.
Never actually thinking of if I was right or wrong even with the words of this song and through any endeavor.
I am undoubtedly enthusiastic and keeping the encomiastic behavior to the fantastic people that see it as sarcastic, which is drastic.
The hardships themselves already took their toll as they bashed me to the wall to make me fall and crawl, just get back up to play hardball with a brawl.
But even through the years, I'm being overwhelmed by nightmares and crippling fear that still draws near as it throws into a new gear.
But then there are the people who want me to change after accomplishing so much that I worked hard to do, seems rather strange now that they want me to rearrange.
But screw that, I need to be focusing on pushing out that dream into the world per diem, making the greatest scheme for the even greater mystery known as the future.
That's just another feature for the creature known as man who can't stand up on their own two feet after being knocked down.
So now, I take a bow and step off the stage now.
I'll just keep living despite my lack of sleep!

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