Damn Google

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I tried to look up some dating advice for... Reasons... And the entire page of ftm dating advice isn't even for trans guys. Of course the issue here isn't getting a girl without scaring her off, it's how she should manage the turmoil of dating "our kind". I use she not only because I personally like girls but because the majority of it is geared toward straight girls having an identity crisis. Because hell forbid they're attracted to someone who has ever possessed a fucking vagina. I just want to know how the fuck to come out to her when she's just starting to warm up to me. She knows I like girls, but she also thinks I AM one. The only ones who seem to have actual advice are trans YouTubers. Great... Except I have limited internet and can't watch until Saturday... And I see her tomorrow... Why is it more important for the people dating a transgender person to feel comfortable than for a transgender person to feel confident in making their partner or potential partner as comfortable and loved as possible? Does anyone else get this?

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