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Crushing on a straight girl... Why is life so fucking complicated? I mean I'm a guy... And I like girls... But I slightly identify as a girl so I consider myself a lesbian. I mean if I never came out as a demiboy people would consider me a lesbian so it's the same thing...
So this girl. She's a freshman and I'm a junior, but that's not really an issue. She's so fucking adorable, I can't even. She and I are in Robotics club together and like from the first day we got along really well. Like we can share glances and just break out laughing at the stupidest shit. We fangirl over absolutely everything. We laugh at the stupid boys in the group together. I feel fragile when I speak to her but in a good way if that makes any sense. I've hinted at liking girls but nothing explicit... I don't know. Then there's the fact that homecoming is coming up... I would be interested in going with her but there's the whole gay thing. And the fact that a male friend of mine already asked me "as friends" and I said yes... Which is now seeming... Weird. I don't know... Wish me luck.

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