Chapter 9

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I open my eyes and take a breath. I'm staring up at the ceiling when it all comes back to me. Last night rushes into my head all at once. In a drunken stupor, I tried to put the moves on Kelly Severide and made a fool of myself.

It feels even worse when I look over to my side to see that he isn't there anymore.

I put my hands on my eyes and groan loudly. I made a total ass out of myself. I scared him away. All I want to do is go back to sleep and wake up later when the pounding in my head subsides, but I know I can't. I know my kids are going to be busting my door down any minute, wanting me to come eat breakfast or take them to the park.

And like clock work, my door opens and I sit up, expecting to see my two rugrats coming in to pounce on me.

But it's not my kids. Instead it's Kelly with a glass of water and a bottle of Ibuprofen.

"Good morning." He says with a smile as he brings the glass over to me.

I take it graciously and sip the water. I'm more thirsty than I thought. "Morning." I reply after I down the liquid. "I thought you left?"

Kelly hands me three pills. "I drove your car here, remember?"

"I thought I did enough to scare you into calling a taxi." I chuckle as I take the pills in my hand and toss them in my mouth. I take a drink as Kelly sits down on the bed beside me.

He leans his weight on his hand. "I never once thought of calling a cab." He whispers and our eyes connect for a silent moment.

I break eye contact after a few moment. If I keep looking into his bright, ice-blue eyes, my face is going to turn bright red. "I was really drunk last night." I finally choke out. "I blame Shay for that one."

"I could tell." Kelly laughs and stands up. "Your kids are waiting for you. I told them I'd wake you up for breakfast."

I put the glass down on the night stand and flop back into a supine position. "My head is killing me." I complain and throw my arms over my eyes to shield them from the light.

"I know. I know." Kelly laughs and pulls my arm, freeing half of my face. "But your kids are very persistent on eating breakfast."

"Fine." I moan and sit up. As soon as I'm sitting up, the pounding in my head increases. "I think I'm gonna be sick.." I sigh then it hits me and I bolt out of bed.

Sprinting into the bathroom, I make it to the toilet just in time. I spew all of the contents from my stomach into the porcelain bowl. After everything leaves my stomach, I'm left with a couple of minutes of dry heaves.

"I'll tell them you'll be down in a few." Kelly says from the hallway.

I don't even look up to flip him off. I know the door is still open and he can see me plain as day.

"I think I like you better when you're drunk." He jokes then I hear him walk down the stairs.

I rest my head in my hands for a few minutes after the dry heaving passes. Finally, I feel ready to stand up. So I do. I flush the toilet, walk over to the sink and fix myself up a bit before washing my hands and wandering my way back downstairs. It feels like with every step my head pounds more and more.

"Hey, there's the sleeping beauty!" My dad booms happily as I enter the kitchen.

I grab my head where the pounding is extreme. "Good morning." I sigh and sit down at the end of the table. Kelly is on my left side and Scotty is on the right side.

"From what I've heard, you had a great night." My dad jokes and takes a drink from his coffee.

I roll my eyes at him and take a fork full of eggs into my mouth.

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